Debrief Mission 1: Skipper spotted the two sets of Betties, and instructed me to take Whiz and attack the first set passing on our right. As instructed, Whiz joined up with me and we made our first pass. I lost my rudder, but wasn't aware that I had. I watched Whiz make a nice strafing pass from on-high, but then lost sight of him for the rest of my mission. I made a few more passes, with little effect, then decided to make a climbing attack to strafe the one of the bombers from below with hopes of getting some rounds into the underside of its wing. Unfortunately, I allowed myself to get into the sights of the tail gunner and he put several 20mm rounds through my perspex canopy, wounding me in the process.
I informed Skipper of my injury, and he told me to RTB. No need, as I was bleeding heavily and was already diving for home. I made it back to the strip, but the severe loss of blood made my vision blurred. That, and the fog on the strip only made getting lined up on final doubly difficult. I bolted on my first and second passes. I finally touched down on my third attempt, but had too much speed and rolled of the end of the runway where I flipped my crate. Was just as well since I couldn't move my legs by this time and I just unhitched my belts and fell in a heap onto the coral. I crawled away from my bird that I thought might explode.
Claims: 1 damaged aircraft (mine).
Track File: (19.8 MB)
Debrief Mission 2:
Not much to add that the pictures haven't explained already. I do know that Skipper and Red went after two Japanese float planes. Red got them both, I believe.
Claims: 1 IJN Battleship, 2 A6M Zekes.
Track File: (22.6 MB)