Sildenafil – What is It?

Many people know what Viagra is but only a few know its generic name: Sildenafil. Because Viagra is marketed and popularized as a drug that can help treat erectile dysfunction, people believe that Sildenafil is a drug made to treat such illness. But in reality, Sildenafil is more than just a drug for erectile dysfunction. It is also a drug that helps treat hypertension and has various uses as well. In this article, let us get to know more about this so-called love drug.
Medical Use of Sildenafil
Sildenafil has various uses in the field of medicine, treating and managing various disorders and illnesses. Here are some of the medical uses of Sildenafil:
For erectile dysfunction – its primary identification is with treating erectile dysfunction. It is now used to treat disorders associated to erectile dysfunction such as diabetes. Moreover, people who are currently ingesting antidepressants might also experience erectile dysfunction and Sildenafil can help counteract this unfavorable side effect of antidepressants.
For pulmonary hypertension – Sildenafil is actually a drug created for managing hypertension and not really to treat erectile dysfunction although the latter has been the more popular use of this drug. It helps relax the arterial walls that can lead to a decrease in the pressure and resistance experienced by the pulmonary artery. This results in a reduced workload for the right ventricle thereby improving symptoms of heart failure.
For altitude sickness – Sildenafil has also shown positive results in people with high altitude pulmonary edema; a sickness suffered by many mountain climbers. Although this drug has only been recently used for such sickness, it has already been accepted by many as one of the most effective means to combat such sickness.

Side Effects
Although many people who have used Sildenafil before have had great results, it is inevitable for drugs to have unfavorable side effects. Here are some that you have to watch out for if you are ingesting Sildenafil:
Common side effects – some of the most common side effects of Sildenafil include headache, flushing, nasal congestion, bloating, dyspepsia, blurred vision, and even photophobia. Some people who ingested Sildenafil even complain of seeing a blue tint everywhere they look. Loss of peripheral vision is also a common side effect.
Rare and serious side effects – these effects were found in very rare cases and are often experienced by people who ingest the drug without consultation and prescription from the doctor. Rare and serious side effects include priapism, extreme hypotension, heart attack (also known as myocardial infarction), stroke, abrupt loss of hearing, amplified intraocular pressure, and ventricular arrhythmias.
Recommended Use
Because of the serious and fatal side effects of ingesting Sildenafil, the public is advised of the recommended use of the drug. Generally, Sildenafil is safe to use. The side effect will only occur if you digress from the recommended use. If you are using this as treatment for erectile dysfunction, it is advised that you ingest it once a day only 30 minutes to 4 hours before sexual intercourse. But for hypertension, doctors would suggest going for 3 times a day after each meal.
Sildenafil is generally a safe drug. More people have had great results with the drug in treating erectile dysfunction as well as hypertension. It is best to adhere to the recommended use to avoid any adverse effects from occurring.


Manual Guide for Taking Sildenafil

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