– skin care

List of International and World-Wide Usage of Zantac

Zantac or ranitidine hydrochloride is a histamine receptor antagonist prescribed for various conditions affecting the digestive system, mainly the esophagus, stomach, and the intestines. It inhibits histamine at H2-receptor sites thus decreasing secretion of gastric acid stimulated by food, insulin and other substances. Here are some information on international and world-wide usage of Zantac.


Zantac is more commonly used as first-line therapy for mild gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Twice daily dosing is proven to be effective in addressing this condition. First dose is taken in the morning and the second an hour after dinner. If relief is experienced, treatment regimen should be continued up to 2 – 3 months then gradually decrease dosage. A dose of 150 mg is used on an emergency or as-needed basis.  Remember to take Zantac one hour before taking antacids to ensure maximum effect.


International and world-wide usage of Zantac includes treatment of active duodenal (first part of the small intestines) ulcers, active gastric or stomach ulcers, erosive esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus, usually caused by reflux of stomach acid) and hypersecretory conditions wherein too much gastric acid is produced such as systemic mastocytosis or Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. A 150 mg tablet taken at bedtime serves as a maintenance therapy for ulcers to facilitate healing and prevent the disease from relapsing.


The drug can also be bought over-the-counter to treat problems like heartburn, acid indigestion and sour stomach. Heartburn is the painful, burning sensation in the chest area that is caused by the regurgitation of gastric contents into the esophagus. Heartburn can be very painful and inconvenient for some. Also, the frequent reflux of acid induces the development of ulcerations in the esophagus and in the windpipe. Damage to the airways may cause strictures or narrowing that can gravely affect a person’s breathing. The acid can also cause mouth and dental problems as it can erode your enamel, making your teeth look yellow and abraded. It can also cause halitosis or bad breath! Zantac can be taken to address these problems and prevent complications. It can be taken as a pre-medication, if taken before drinking or eating foods that may cause hyperacidity. A 75 mg tablet is taken for the aforementioned conditions.


Aside from the approved indications of Zantac, its “off label” use includes the prevention of ulcers in patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) and prevention of acid-related pneumonia and heartburn during surgeries. Patients who undergo surgeries are often restricted of food and beverages thus stimulating the production of gastric juice. Zantac is given to control the secretion of gastric acid, relieve pain and prevent related complications.


The numerous international and world-wide usage of Zantac makes it a competitive drug in the market. Always remember to arrange for regular follow-ups, including appropriate laboratory tests to evaluate the effects of the drug. Also, be wary of common side effects like constipation or diarrhea which might need additional interventions. For unusual symptoms like sore throat, bruising and bleeding, tarry stools or development of neurologic affectations like confusion and hallucinations, report immediately to your physician.

Safety of Buying Zantac Online

You may be suffering from sour stomach, acid indigestion or heartburn and are looking for a treatment that is reliable and affordable. Zantac is a good choice of treatment. However, is buying Zantac from online pharmacy safe and secure? (more…)

Zantac – The Best Solution for Stress Ulcers

Ulcer disease affects several million people in the United States with an estimated cost of treatment soaring to billions of dollars annually. Patients usually “shop” for doctors and medications in their search for an effective treatment for this painful problem. Hence, we present Zantac – the best solution for stress ulcers. (more…)

Knowing the Advantages of Buying Zantac Online

You may opt to purchase Zantac (generic name ranitidine hydrochloride) online if you need to treat conditions like duodenal or gastric ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), heartburn, hypersection of gastric juices and many more. What are the advantages of buying Zantac online? (more…)

Zantac Saves Me From GERD

Looking for a medication for that terrible pain in your chest making you feel as if you have swallowed burning acid? Your mouth waters but you feel no hunger and you have this urge to throw up? Well, you just might have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This is my story of how Zantac helped me with GERD. (more…)

Side Effects of Zantac

Each drug has its own set of flaws. And these flaws when left unchecked can lead to some very critical consequences. In fact, not being able to know when or when not to take a specific drug can separate you from life and death. When it comes to medicinal flaws, we often try to look at side effects. Strictly speaking, these are unwanted and unintended effects coming from the use of certain drugs. Zantac is one of the most popular drugs in the world, but that doesn’t mean that it is perfect. In fact, it is not even close to being one because of the existence of some side effects. So what are these side effects that you should watch out for? (more…)

When and How Zantac is used

One of the most popular prescription drugs of all time is Zantac. A type of histamine H2 inhibitor, this is used to treat excess acid production by the body. The trade name for ranitidine, this drug has had an interesting journey in itself.  When it was released in 1981, it is the cutting edge when it comes to curbing excess acid production. In fact, so many people trust it that it has become the world’s best-selling prescription drug in 1988, and it has managed to stay relevant up to today even though better anti-acid drugs such as omeprazole has been develop. So when and how is this drug used? (more…)

Conditions When You Should Not Take Zantac

During the last 30 years or so, only a few drugs had the impact like ranitidine had. First, there were the sales figures. Billions of these drugs have been sold over the years, cresting in 1988 when it became the largest selling prescription drug in the world. Second, there were its curing abilities. It replaced cimetidine as the world’s best histamine H2 inhibitor, possessing potency that is estimated to be 10 times higher. Because of this, millions have used ranitidine, also available in the trade name Zantac. Of course, all drugs have their own limitations of use. So when it is not advised to use Zantac? (more…)

Some Facts about Zantac

Hyperacidity is one of the biggest problems one can experience. Most of the time, this is just a nuisance, causing occasional pain and bloating. However, when left unchecked, it can lead to some very serious complications. During severe hyperacidity, it’s not enough that you pop some base-based antacids because there’s just too much acid production for it to be completely neutralized. The only way to treat it is by reducing acid production itself. There are many medications used for this, but one of the most time-tested of them all is ranitidine, also known for its trade name Zantac. (more…)

Zantac: General Information

For many years, Zantac is the leading treatment for excessive stomach acid production. The trade name for the generic drug ranitidine, this is also used for the treatment of gastric diseases linked with too much acid such as peptic ulcer disease and GERD, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease. In addition to this, when coupled with other types of antihistamines, it can also be used to treat certain skin conditions such as hives. What are the things that you must know about ranitidine? Follow this article to find out. (more…)