Weak PSC oversight benefits Alabama Power at customers' expense, report findsAlabama Power earns higher profits than most utilities nationwide while leaving customers paying more for their electricity than customers in all Southern states but Florida, according to a report released today by Arise Citizens' Policy Project. "The outdated way Alabama sets electricity rates is hurting families and businesses," ACPP executive director Kimble Forrister said. "It's not just numbers on paper. When people are living paycheck to paycheck, having to spend so much of their income on electricity bills really hurts." Join us for Lobby Day -- Thurs., March 79:30 a.m. Registration (Capitol Auditorium) 10:00 a.m. Issue briefing (Capitol Auditorium) 11:00 a.m. Lobbying (State House, 5th-7th floors) Noon New conference (State House steps) 12:30 p.m. Membership meeting (Capitol Auditorium) 1:30 p.m. Adjourn (Capitol Tunnel) We can make Alabama better. Please come help us put democracy in action! Arise Daily News Digest 3-1-2013ARISE LEGISLATIVE UPDATE - Alabama Senate committees OK military payday loan rate cap, TANF drug tests. ARISE LEGISLATIVE UPDATE - Advocates assemble at State House to support interest rate caps for payday, title loans. AL.COM - Tracking the 2013 session: Republicans pull surprise, ram through school choice bill. AL.COM - From 'historic' to 'sleaziness': Reaction to the school choice bill and how it was approved. AL.COM - Republicans in bombshell move push through bill giving tax credits for kids at 'failing' schools to go to private schools. AL.COM - Students, faculty rally at Alabama capital for more higher-ed funding. AL.COM - New education budget proposal trims $231 million, includes teacher raises and job cuts. AL.COM - Sen. Jeff Sessions: 'Be wary' of immigration deal that betrays American workers. AL.COM - Observers: U.S. Supreme Court divided on Shelby County's Voting Rights Act case. AL.COM - Students, faculty rally at Alabama capital for more higher-ed funding. AL.COM - OP-ED: A dumb, bad bill in the Alabama Legislature. AL.COM -Columnist John Archibald: Shelby County, the most unlikely of civil rights plaintiffs, has a Supreme point. ALABAMA POLITICAL REPORTER - A yes vote on S122 is a vote against fair and accountable government. ALABAMA POLITICAL REPORTER - Senator Roger Bedford honored as “Legislator of the Year” by the Alabama Association of Health Plans DECATUR DAILY – The Decatur Daily: Common Core debate has a disturbing side. (FLORENCE) TIMES DAILY - 36% payday loan interest not enough, industry representative says. GADSDEN TIMES - Summary of action in Alabama Legislature. GADSDEN TIMES - Ala. House Oks bill to consolidate police agencies. GADSDEN TIMES - Ala. Senate restructures legislative functions. GADSDEN TIMES - Resolution seeks Parks' monument at Ala. Capitol. GADSDEN TIMES - Alabama Legislature mulling payday loan regulation. GADSDEN TIMES – The Gadsden Times: A fitting tribute for Rosa Parks. ANNISTON STAR - Sequestration cuts could have far-reaching impact in area. ANNISTON STAR – The Anniston Star: A Hypocrite Oath ANNISTON STAR – Editor Phillip Tutor: Fight the big, bad government. MONTGOMERY ADVERTISER - Fred Gray candid about race relations in talk. MONTGOMERY ADVERTISER - The Montgomery Advertiser: Ten Commandments at heart of amendment: A ridiculous political stunt. WASHINGTON POST - Congress heads out as the sequester blows in. WASHINGTON POST - Five myths about the sequester. WASHINGTON POST - Senate postpones deliberations on gun bills. WASHINGTON POST - Obama urges Supreme Court to overturn California same-sex marriage ban. WASHINGTON POST - Columnist Ruth Marcus: It’s going to be a long slog. WASHINGTON POST - The Washington Post: Washington fails to govern, as the sequester arrives. NEW YORK TIMES - Boehner Halts Talks on Cuts, and House G.O.P. Cheers NEW YORK TIMES – The New York Times: The White House Joins the Fight Arise legislative update: Advocates assemble at State House to support interest rate caps for payday, title loansA large coalition gathered Thursday at the State House in Montgomery to urge legislators to pass legislation limiting high-interest lending in Alabama, notably payday and auto title loans. The Alliance for Responsible Lending in Alabama made its debut, and several presenters spoke eloquently on the harms of predatory lending. This legislative update highlights the various proposals to rein in payday and title loans in Alabama. Read ACPP policy analyst Stephen Stetson's legislative update here. Arise legislative update: Committees OK military payday loan rate cap, TANF drug testsAlabama would enforce a federal interest rate cap on payday loans to military families if a bill approved by a Senate committee Wednesday becomes law. Senate committees also signed off on a proposal to require drug tests for certain TANF applicants, a plan to sell bonds to buy K-12 career tech equipment, and a bill to increase the state income tax credit for rural doctors. This legislative update highlights committee action and debate on those measures. Read ACPP policy analyst Chris Sanders' legislative update here. Arise legislative update: Dark picture painted for Alabama courts, public safety agencies at General Fund hearingsAlabama’s court system will slash nearly 400 jobs next year without more General Fund (GF) support, judicial officials said Wednesday during GF budget hearings in Montgomery. Leaders of Alabama’s prisons and state troopers also detailed their strapped agencies’ struggles to meet growing needs amid years of flat or declining revenues. This legislative update highlights the budget needs of the state's judicial and public safety agencies.