For most of the men there comes the time in life when they have to face with not so pleasant truth of losing their hair.
Men have been struggling with this problem since the ancient history, but the right solution still hasn’t been found.
Some form of hair loss is something that almost every man will experience at some point in his life.
If you are losing your hair, and you want it to be as it was in your twenties, maybe Propecia is a product for you.
Few words about Propecia…
Propecia is a product used for the treatment of the men hair loss. It’s been developed by the pharmaceutical company called “Merck”.
It was discovered by accident, Merck company was testing a medicine for benign prostatic hyperlasia (BHP). In some moment of testing they found out that people who were using Propecia have experience hair re-growing as a side effect.
Merck company decided to continue tests in this direction and after some formula changing, and reducing side effects they have patented their product.
Food & Drug Administration (US) approved Propecia for treating men hair loss on December 22nd 1997.
First results could be noticed after 3 to 12 months after taking Propecia pills. Unfortunately, there could be some side effects of using this medicine. Lack of sexual desire, as well as the problems with erection, are side effects that are most common among the users. Once you stop using Propecia, side effects should disappear. If you experience any changes similar to these, you should ask for medical help. It is advised to check with your doctor even before you start this way of treatment. If any sign of side effects or allergic reaction to Propecia pills appear, consult your doctor as well.
Propecia is an oral pill, available with prescription only. It is for men only – women and children should not use it. It should be handled very carefully. Broken or crashed pill in touch with bare skin can cause allergic reaction. If something like this happens you should wash your hands with soap and water instantly. Pregnant women, by all means, should not be in contact with this medicine, it can cause problems with their baby. Because of all this, Propecia is sold in strong and hard packaging, so there should be no problems.
One more thing which is important for you to know before start using Propecia is that it can cause problems in readings of blood test Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA). It can decrease PSA level in your organism even after you stopped using Propecia. Eventually, things will come in order, and the amount of PSA in your body will be back in the level of normal.
For some men hair loss can be very stressful. With medicine like Propecia this problem can be solved. In the end, it probably isn’t the most important thing in the world, but let’s be honest, what 50 year old man wouldn’t like to have hair like in his twenties.