volcano animation
Follow this link to an animation that I did for the Minnesota Landscape
Arboretum. I have had a lot of fun doing...
L'année pleine d'amour
*Charmé par la flûte enchantée de ce Chaman de la Tribu Kalbelia, le
cobra est arrivé de loin juste à temps pour fêter l'année du Serpent
d'eau. Oui, j'a...
I have recovered...
from the Haggis well enough to tell the tale.
IT wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (sheep's gizzards and various
spare bits, mixed up with a fair amoun...
Conversation candy hearts for Valentine’s day! I took a typical message
“cutie pie” and made a geeky version. In lieu of sumi ink, I used
watercolor pencil...
Paper cut
Not the "ouch!" kind of paper cut but a stamp based on the incredibly
detailed Chinese art. Helen has used a paper cut to inspire this very very
It's all a gift
The holidays in America seem to focus on gifts. No matter how enlightened
we are finding a natural and wholesome way of approaching this is a
challenge. Wh...
Emily - Denver, CO USA
I am honored to receive Emily's first etegami that she has sent out to our
etegami group members! Rembember my friend, they also say "perfection is
an i...
EDM 4 - Draw a mug or cup
I am what one would call a "tea fanatic". As you can see, I photographed
my mugs on a "tea towel". I am also what one could call a "dish fanatic".
What d...
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