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This site is a site which carried out the automatic translation of the log of a Japanese large-sized bulletin board "Channel 2."

Old PC

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The past vigor

Thread titleCommentVigorTime from which the thread was made
PC-9821/9801 thread Part548290.022013/01/25 10:41
Even now, it is all X680x0 user set Part 55.3800.012013/02/03 15:33
[FUJITSU] The 14th generation of FM-TOWNS [Fujitsu]9140.012012/11/16 13:26
[Page]PC-8801mkII SR,FR,MR Part112580.002013/01/06 23:16
スレPart10 which tells FM series5500.002012/10/02 02:48
[Page]PC-6001/mkII/6601/SR* we P6 system Part182670.002012/12/02 15:20
X1-/turbo/Z Comprehensive スレ 154800.002012/09/21 19:50
FM-TOWNS is the MSX-turboR user 3 who was looking below.7540.002012/06/19 14:22
8086 Vs. Z80 Vs. 6809 Vs. 6502 The 89260.002012/04/09 18:54
[Sharp] Pocket computer 10 :P RINT "SHARP"9560.002012/02/12 19:02
Retro PC is not the language which arboreal vegetation 啓多 made.5250.002012/07/23 21:35
Big-three スレ ♪ COMMODORE /SHARP / NEC9310.002012/01/14 08:47
Hitachi BASIC MASTER series Level 3 Mark64100.002012/08/16 01:27
PC emulator integrated thread Part58390.002012/01/14 00:50
HP200LX -Part10 of love and fantasy -8140.002011/12/15 22:02
[Page][3.5, 5.25, and 8] Floppy disk synthesis スレ980.002013/01/01 22:55
[Page]EPSON 98 compatible machine Part41150.002012/12/21 23:15
[Page]Is it in that of personal computer ある in the fellow who did article-of-virtue graduation at the high school?120.002013/02/19 17:34
What was the domestic PC game?Part.254070.002012/06/17 18:03
[DAN] Monthly I/O (engineering company) can be told and it is 2 [KIM].6590.002011/11/28 21:58
[Page]Cockroach report place560.002013/01/17 22:53
the 8th microcomputer user "who was looking at MSX1 below"6560.002011/11/13 21:52
new - Akihabara of my youth The 4th day of the - ancient-times narration -7580.002011/07/16 23:34
KYN4450.002012/03/15 14:08
[Page]PC-88VA32390.002012/08/21 11:17
[Page]The number -> of the fellows who mistook for FM-8 and have bought it BUBCOM802870.002012/07/06 18:42
[Page]How does a worn-out article differ from junk?410.002013/01/23 14:12
[test] write-in test Exclusive thread 1 [Test]9490.002010/11/29 15:07
[Page]you -- NEC -- while appreciating -- personal computer 使 -- ? る120.002013/02/16 01:18
Final edition of PC emulator Japanese-made MESS Part.23930.002012/02/02 20:44
[Page]Windows 3.1 95 PC game of 98 Me age1120.002012/10/26 04:35
The top of the big three is FM-7 77.3170.002012/01/27 18:43
[MSX-X68000] 99 BASIC-OJT manual [TOWNS and 88VA]8880.002009/09/07 23:02
[Page]PC of the old good time which a ユトリ generation does not know420.002012/12/26 11:12
VZ editor and 16-bit Japanese environment moved by Vista.8240.002009/10/02 18:57
PC-8001 Ver 1.3 Copyright 1979 by of a glory (C (ry))7190.002010/02/11 18:22
Sprite 2 flat knot4040.002011/03/10 09:31
MZ-80B/2000/22008080.002009/03/03 13:56
[Page][SORD] Something to tell others about m5?1460.002012/05/20 15:53
[Page]スレ which tells PC-8801mk2TR90.002013/02/09 13:58
[Page]Although it was found Win3.1 in school ...2120.002011/12/29 22:30
FM77AV vs MZ-2500 vs MB-S14790.002010/06/17 22:09
[Page]"The domestic PC game was seen below". by 洋 ゲーマニア2460.002011/09/09 22:47
68K v.s. x867030.002008/09/07 04:12
here -- permanent -- 1995 -- year スレ [Win 95 OSR 5]6950.002008/08/10 10:36
MSX hard ソフトスレ 2 (except for dealing relations)7770.002008/01/24 19:25
[Page]MSX-DOS TOOLS, MSX-BASIC, and MSX-Windows of a phantom680.002012/09/14 10:15
It can tell about the goods of old PC game, and is や. The 3rd piece7500.002008/01/16 08:25
スレ (2) from which the time has shifted only here for 30 years4820.002009/10/02 19:49
[Page]w which roared with laughter by 情弱 except FM77AV when googling30.002013/02/19 04:35
Unevenness Hideki is a crime now.8190.002007/02/15 20:24
Family basic practical use technique9610.002006/01/17 19:41
[Page]PC8001mk2 without ATARI conformity (omitted) farseeing intelligence is self-destruction!1880.002011/10/01 02:06
[Page]スレ Part 4 which is under an illusion about an ultimate 8-bit opportunity2970.002010/11/30 13:15
It is 8BIT last type and is a game.5980.002008/07/08 12:12
Auction @ ancient-times PC board [No.20]8450.002006/07/19 15:30
Probably, it is やっぱ FM-R.[The 2nd set]5780.002008/07/25 23:28
MSX Yahoo! oak ションスレpart26260.002008/02/18 19:18
ぼん スレ which is not piled6190.002008/01/15 17:30
[Amiga] Revival! AMIGA synthesis スレ [AMIGA]8540.002006/01/13 23:34
The electric wave The personal computer out of which the game of NAMCO had comeThe electric wave7690.002006/02/18 15:15
Laox Recollections of the computer hall6080.002007/08/06 22:57
[The founder 9821] スレ 2 told about 98MULTi [Canbe]9600.002004/02/21 18:39
[Computer] Comp ティーク Part2 [Boutique]8210.002005/03/21 13:35
MS-DOS synthesis thread 27040.002006/04/12 03:05
P6 system [ us ] Part36530.002006/10/06 02:08
[It is clean]. MZ-80 K/C/1200 series part3 [Argo number]4310.002008/12/08 03:11
[<-F-BASIC386] Evolution of BASIC [VisualBasic->]3390.002009/10/20 20:56
[Page]PC-8001mk2SR -- how -- The 2890.002012/04/08 00:26
スレ told about the junk shop in Akihabara7510.002005/07/18 21:59
[Page]スレ for which those who react strangely gather510.002012/08/19 10:18
[Page]Why did it withdraw from the personal computer enterprise as Hitachi?290.002012/11/09 12:13
Restaurant which died in Akihabara The first house9050.002003/09/17 03:58
スレpart2 from which the time has shifted for 15 years only here8270.002004/06/09 22:00
you -- today -- the bought junk -- 品お -- it can carry out!The 2nd set8410.002004/01/24 12:31
SEGA SC-3000(\29800)MARK28650.002003/10/04 01:30
[Page]Good-bye, Hudson1000.002012/01/19 21:14
"Harumi Takahashi" search party Part36190.002006/02/28 23:42
a [personal computer] -- the world of a dead language -- Welcome! -- [term] Part24140.002008/05/31 14:16
* M Z - 2 5 0 0 The impossible are . It is. *9230.002002/07/30 21:57
"""""APPLEII"""""9620.002002/01/15 18:06
PC software vending machine "TAKERU"9490.002001/12/17 04:14
[Adult] Electronic block [toy]7600.002004/02/22 04:36
[Page]ぴゅう太 * we ぴゅう太 system Part21790.002011/01/04 00:26
[ancient-times main] It is the warehouse ] now [ only for a dedicated word processor / thread [].8110.002003/06/01 23:59
; ゜д゜<昔のPC板らしいよΣ(゜Д゜;エーッ!!5190.002006/11/25 02:52
There is none of the impossible in MSX.8930.002002/05/18 20:34
What is the old personal computer magazine which you have now?9110.002002/01/30 00:55
[NV group] パソケット part5 of recollections [class reunion]4320.002007/10/16 13:31
<> <毎月8日は『テクノポリス』発売日> >8790.002002/02/06 00:37
[Page]All the soft MSX which moves normally is ? (MSX1 limitation).2020.002010/07/04 16:24
Driver offer スレ for used PC8210.002002/05/16 00:50
If it is called OS, it will be Colet, and it is しょ! CP/M スレ8410.002001/12/17 21:55
Free software often used a long time ago7920.002002/08/04 11:21
* ** 005 Star Trek スレ 315 ***8280.002001/12/28 16:22
= = Junk PC microcomputer-ized plan ==6660.002004/02/10 23:01
FUJITSU FM-116550.002004/03/22 15:09
[Page]* * base machine determination game **1150.002011/07/26 20:34
[Page]JR-100/JR-200/JR-300/JR-800 synthesis スレ1120.002011/08/05 08:35
FUJITSU FM-8 search party7940.002002/01/11 05:48


日テレジェニック2011 大矢真夕 真夕中 MID-EVENING「桜からの手紙 ~AKB48それぞれの 卒業物語~」 豪華版 DVD-BOX <初回生産限定>初音ミク GOODSMILE BMW Z4 2011 シリーズ優勝 Ver.(1/43スケール・レジン製塗装済み完成品ミニカー)純情可憐/篠崎愛吉木りさ 花姑~kako~初音ミク Happyくじ E賞『ロンググラス』(全3種セット) ファミリーマート限定販売品ニンテンドー3DS アイスホワイト1/24 初音ミク グッドスマイルBMW (BMW Z4 GT3) Rd8 MotegiフィギュアーツZERO サディちゃんテニスの王子様 OVA ANOTHER STORY ~過去と未来のメッセージ Vol.1こびとづかん こびと観察セットXbox 360 コントローラー (リキッド ブラック)志村みなみ 卒業旅行吉木りさ もっと近くに【DVD】サモンナイト4 (初回封入特典:プロダクトコード同梱)這いよれ! ニャル子さん ねんどろいど ニャル子 (ノンスケール ABS&PVC塗装済み可動フィギュア)篠田麻里子 Pendulum MOVIERACINGミク (1/8スケール PVC塗装済み完成品)杉原杏璃/じーっと見つめて・・・ニンテンドー3DS用 ACアダプタ (3DSLL/DSi兼用)魔法少女まどか☆マギカ ねんどろいど美樹さやか (ノンスケール ABS&PVC塗装済み可動フィギュア)レーシングミク ねんどろいどぷち×ミニ四駆 レーシングミク 2012ver. drives アスチュート スペシャル (ノンスケール ABS&PVC塗装済み可動フィギュア)メダロット7 カブトVer. 特典 メダロットARトレカ付き吉木りさ 蜜密~mitu*mituケロロ軍曹 4thシーズン 6侵略!?イカ娘 ねんどろいど イカ娘 (ノンスケール ABS&PVC製塗装済み可動フィギュア)フィギュアーツZERO 緋村剣心ドラかず のび太のすうじ大冒険フィギュアーツZERO モンキー・D・ルフィ (新世界編Ver.)今野杏南 あんちょびーむ葉加瀬マイ My Lover女の子と密室にいたら○○しちゃうかもしれない。(初回購入特典「こころが水着に着替えたら。」ダウンロードカード同梱)アルティメットヒッツ ドラゴンクエストVI 幻の大地吉木りさ DVD『セキララ*彼女2』ピュア・スマイル 鷹羽澪AKB48 「AKBがいっぱい 〜SUMMER TOUR 2011〜 」DOG DAYS ねんどろいど リコッタ・エルマール (ノンスケール ABS&PVC塗装済み可動フィギュア)フィギュアーツZERO 緋村剣心かいておぼえる ドラがなケロロ軍曹 1生徒会役員共 OVAフィギュアーツZERO ポートガス・D・エース (ストロング・ワールドVer.) (初回特典付)紗綾 ずっと、きっと。メダロット7 クワガタVer. 特典 メダロットARトレカ付きニンテンドー3DS LL ホワイト (SPR-S-WAAA)ポケパーク2 ~Beyond the World~レーシングミク 2012ver. GSR 初音ミク BMW 2012開幕ver. (1/32スケール ABS製塗装済み完成品ミニカー)ねんどろいどぷち Fate/hollow ataraxia (ノンスケール ABS&PVC製塗装済みトレーディングフィギュア)ねんどろいど 初音ミク はちゅねフェイスverメタルギア ソリッド HD エディション (通常版) (ゲームアーカイブス版「メタルギアソリッド」ダウンロードコード同梱)

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