Private Const の後にところに、それぞれ、選んで書き入れてください。
'Option Explicit
Private Const FNAME As String = "MS 明朝" 'MS ゴシック
Private Const FSTYLE As String = "標準" '太字, イタリック
Private Const FSIZE As Single = 11
Private Const FCOLT As Integer = xlAutomatic '色は以下から数字を選ぶ
'水色 (8), 茶(9), 緑(10), 藍(11), 黄土色(12), 紫(13), 濃緑(14)
'灰色 (15), xlAutomatic のみ「自動」(ColorIndexを調べると分かります)
Sub ReplaceFormatInCells()
Dim mWhat As String
Dim mFadd As String
Dim c As Range
mWhat = Application.InputBox("検索する単語を入れてください。", Type:=2)
If mWhat = "False" Or mWhat = "" Then Exit Sub
Set c = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Find( _
What:=mWhat, _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=True, _
If Not c Is Nothing Then
mFadd = c.Address
ReplaceFont c, mWhat
Set c = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.FindNext(c)
If c.Address = mFadd Then Exit Sub
ReplaceFont c, mWhat
Loop Until c Is Nothing
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ReplaceFont(rng As Range, strSearch As String)
Dim i As Integer
Dim Ln As Integer
Ln = Len(strSearch)
i = InStr(rng.Value, strSearch)
With rng.Characters(i, Ln).Font
.Name = FNAME
.FontStyle = FSTYLE
.Size = FSIZE
.ColorIndex = FCOLT
End With
End Sub
投稿日時 - 2006-09-24 23:47:00