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The Linux operating system makes efficient use of coding languages and the Linux hosting platform is based on that theory. Linux hosting runs more efficiently and quicker with most hosting packages and contains a level of security that is stricter and more difficult to hack. Linux has been around since the 1960’s and has been upgraded and fine tune to the point of becoming a real fan favorite for web builders and their owners.

Linux brings with it the ability to transfer more security to a hosting server and will also provide a range of tools compatible to the Linux environment. Linux also has a great many options that are adaptable options for any kind of website application.

A great many hosting services offer both Linux and Windows hosting options, giving the goals more versatility and the customer greater options. Linux has Windows beat as it is used more widely than Windows and ups the level of reliability. The Linux environment is script friendly, allowing MySql, Perl and PHP easier to integrate into web pages, as well as being used in more servers.

Linux receives high scores across the board from web masters and owners for overall ease of use, versatility, dependability, reliability and the high quality it adds to web pages. The Linux platform and its hosting capabilities offer a serious level of efficiency when web pages are created.

The popularity of Linux has spawned a variety of help methods such as help hotlines, web pages and downloadable manuals to make using Linux easier and more efficiency. The help methods are a tremendous source of support and customer service that is readily available. Linux is an open source software program that is easy to install and setup. It can be accomplished with a few clicks of the mouse.

After customers use Linux, the rate of return to their previous method of hosting is fairly low. Linux quickly becomes a fan favorite when building websites and hosting those web pages. Linux makes friends very easy and quickly and is usually kept around.

Linux hosting packages are inexpensive and very budget friendly and are offered by most hosting services. Linux brings to the table benefits and perks that are ideal for multi-tasking and multi-operational web pages and operating systems. Linux offers a level of stability not found in other hosting methods and is reliable and dependable to grow with a website.