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It is highly recommended that you download all Project Reality modifications using a download manager, by using the provided torrents, or by using Desura to avoid file corruption.

Mod Downloads

Install with Desura

DesuraAll Project Reality modifications are available via Desura, giving users an alternative way to install and play PR. Desura is a community driven digital distribution service for gamers, putting the best games, mods and downloadable content from developers at gamers fingertips, ready to buy and play.

Project Reality: BF2

All Project Reality: BF2 versions require Battlefield 2 v1.5 to be installed. Due the large amount of features and content, PR:BF2 v0.97 Full Client is split into three seperate downloads ("Part 1 of 3", "Part 2 of 3" and "Part 3 of 3"). All three must be download and installed in order to play the Project Reality: BF2 modification. You must also download and install the PR:BF2 v0.97 to v0.98 Patch, which will adds all the new maps, weapons, and vehicles included in the previously released PR Falklands, PR Normany, and PR Vietnam addons as well as the v0.97 Map Pack.

If prompted to enter a password while installing Project Reality, use the corresponding password found here.

Client Patch

Project Reality: BF2 iconPR:BF2 v0.97 to v0.98 Patch

Requires PR:BF2 v0.97
PR:BF2 v0.97 to v0.98 Patch screenshot Description:

If you currently have PR:BF2 v0.97 installed, you only need to download this patch. If v0.97 is not installed, you must download the PR:BF2 v0.97 full client.

Decemeber 22, 2012
Release Date:
PR:BF2 v0.97 & BF2 v1.5
Self Install
Install Type:
File Name:
1,833 MB
File Size:

Full Client

Project Reality: BF2 iconPR:BF2 v0.97 Full

3 Part Download
PR:BF2 v0.97 Full screenshot Description:

The PR:BF2 v0.97 full client is made up of three files, all of which must to be downloaded and installed in order to play the mod.

August 21, 2011
Release Date:
Battlefield 2 v1.5
Self Install
Install Type:
Download Parts:
4,072 MB
Total Size:
Part 1 of 3 (1,448 MB) File Name: pr_0973_full_part1of3_setup.exe
no country flag
us flag
fi flag
Part 2 of 3 (1,447 MB) File Name: pr_0973_full_part2of3_setup.exe
no country flag
us flag
fi flag
Part 3 of 3 (1,177 MB) File Name: pr_0973_full_part3of3_setup.exe
no country flag
us flag
fi flag

Server Files

Project Reality: BF2 iconServer (Server Admins Only)

Server (Server Admins Only) screenshot Description:

The PR team does not freely distribute the PR:BF2 server files. Server admins must apply, and be approved, for a server license in order to obtain the files.

Decemeber 22, 2012
Release Date:
Windows or Linux OS
Manual Install
Install Type:
Links Coming Soon!

Project Reality: ARMA 2

All Project Reality: ARMA 2 versions require ARMA 2: Combined Operations with the latest ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead v1.62 patch to be already installed. For detailed instructions on how to install, click here.

If prompted to enter a password while installing Project Reality, use the corresponding password found here.

Client Files

Project Reality: ARMA 2 iconPR:ARMA2 v0.15 BETA Full

Self Install
PR:ARMA2 v0.15 BETA Full screenshot Description:

PR:ARMA2 v0.15 BETA is our second release and the primary goal of this build is to incorporate the Project Reality style of gameplay into the ARMA 2 game.

March 16, 2012
Release Date:
A2:CO with A2:OA v1.60 Patch
v0.15 BETA
Self Install
Install Type:
File Name:
287 MB
File Size:

Project Reality: ARMA 2 iconPR:ARMA2 v0.15 BETA Full (Zipped)

Manual Install
PR:ARMA2 v0.15 BETA Full (Zipped) screenshot Description:

PR:ARMA2 v0.15 BETA is our second release and the primary goal of this build is to incorporate the Project Reality style of gameplay into the ARMA 2 game.

March 16, 2012
Release Date:
A2:CO with A2:OA v1.60 Patch
v0.15 BETA
Manual Install
Install Type:
File Name:
283 MB
File Size:

Server Files

Project Reality: ARMA 2 iconServer (Server Admins Only)

Server (Server Admins Only) screenshot Description:

During the BETA release, the PR team is not freely distributing the PR:ARMA2 server files. Once the BETA has finished, we will open license apps as usual.

Release Date:
Windows or Linux OS
v0.15 BETA
Manual Install
Install Type:
Links Coming Soon!

We will only accept direct downloads for all other hosts.
If you can provide such a link, contact us.