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Posted By: [R-DEV]Gore
Posted On: January 7, 2013 | 5:28 am

2013 Project Reality Movie Awards

The Project Reality Team is proud to announce the launch of the 2013 Project Reality Movie Awards competition. To celebrate community made videos, whether gameplay footage or machinimas, the Project Reality Team will be dedicating a night, tied in with the real life Oscars, to give the best Project Reality film makers the recognition they deserve.

The videos will be judged by a panel of team members. They will then line up 4 nominees for each category and 10 (maybe more) for the "Community Choice Award". The nominees will be announced on February the 17th and the poll for the "Community Choice Award" will be opened. On Sunday, February the 24th at 20:00 Project Reality Time (UTC), the winners will be announced and all of the awards will be handed out.

Award Categories
Video Of The Year - The grand award, the video we feel is created to the highest standard. It covers the directing, acting, editing and overall scripting of the final product.

Best Instructional Video - This will be based on how effective the video is in educating the public regarding the topic at hand, and the way the information is transferred to the audience.

Best Comedy Video - This award will go to the funniest PR video, scripted or unscripted. Make us laugh.

Best Gameplay Video - Based upon non-scripted raw gameplay, this will be decided based upon what we feel portrays Project Reality the way it was meant to be played. Teamwork, end goal focus, and the usage of a va...

Posted By: [R-DEV]2Slick4U
Posted On: January 4, 2013 | 5:05 pm

Project Reality Devcast #2

Welcome to the second episode of Project Reality's Devcasts, a Podcast like series of videos showing off new features and assets you will find in Project Reality's modifications. Similar to the first one, episode 2 contains video footage from the upcoming Project Reality: BF2 v1.0 release with commentary from the PR Development Team providing further insight into our development process.

Devcast #2 features some previously unannounced modifications to the spawn menu, explains some of our additional soldier kits and premiers the first video footage of the highly anticipated "back up sights" feature. Sit back and enjoy!

ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.

We hope you enjoyed watching this Devcast! We are far from done so stay tuned for future updates and even more Devcasts covering the multiple changes in PR:BF2 v1.0. Also, be sure to connect to Project Reality through social media to stay informed and receive up to the minute updates, the occasional leaked bit of information and more! See you on the battlefield!

- The Project Reality Team

Posted By: [R-DEV]2Slick4U
Posted On: December 22, 2012 | 3:52 am

Project Reality: BF2 v0.98 Patch Released!

The award winning Project Reality and Black Sand Studio teams are proud to announce the official release of Project Reality: BF2 v0.98!

In the last year, we have released several addons, or DLC, for Project Reality: BF2 v0.97. These addons have added over a dozen new maps, multiple new factions, and some amazing new gameplay to PR:BF2. However, new and old players alike have found it difficult to understand exactly what addons or versions they needed to install. Well, the PR:BF2 v0.98 patch eliminates all that confusion by merging all the addons into a single installer. Server administrators will now be able to run all the new maps without the fear of losing players who may not have the required addon installed and players will be able to enjoy all the new factions, assets and maps.

Thanks to several direct link providers, there are a number of mirrors available to download Project Reality: BF2 v0.98, including a torrent. You can find all of the download links and information here:

Please note that the PR:BF2 v0.98 release is only available as a patch and PR:BF2 v0.97 is required. This version is not an optional DLC, so even if all the addons are currently installed, the v0.98 patch must be installed.

Project Reality: BF2 v0.98 Trailer
While you are downloading the PR:BF2 v0.98 Patch, take a moment to sit back and watch the official PR:BF2 v0.98 release t...