No, I hadn’t any discussion.
But I’ve heard some rumors about their plans to use real browsers to execute javascript, etc.
Currently all data is available via http.
Isn’t it enough ?
Yes, the new design (which I hope will be online soon) will have this feature.
For a while, you can check if the page was saved by querying URLs like - all snapshots of the exact url - all snapshots from the domain* - all snapshots from all subdomains
Write to
Currently there is no automated way to do it.
And it is not so easy to implement as it might look, because a lot of archived pages are referenced from Wikipedia or other wikis. The deleting of a page should be somehow synchronized with fixing those references on the wikis. Otherwise, if would be ridiculous if the site which goal is to fight the dead link problem has dead links itself.
I needed something like this for my personal use and have not found one (yes, there is WebCite but it could not save the pages I wanted to save, like Google Maps and Twitter).
Some useful features are still not implemented though :(
It is difficult to calculate the exact balance, because the servers are used for other projects as well. The last bill was ~700 euros, so I’d say costs 150-300 euros/months.
Yes, I pay for it.
I do not think it is correct (or even legal) to put ads on the pages created by others.
But another model of monetization can appear eventually.
For example, pay accounts with the ability to manage private bookmarks and do full text search, etc
Although the snapshot may be deleted if it violates the rules of the hosting provider (for example, if the page contains pornography or used as the landing page for spam campaigns).
I do not plan to shut down the site.
But I like your idea to have backup on a 3rd party public site in a form that anyone can download, say, a zip file with any snapshot. The only problem is: there are more than 10 terabytes of the data and growing quickly.