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Inside the cove

Martyn StewartMartyn Stewart· 99 本の動画
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アップロード日: 2011/11/05

We have been given this footage and some photos, exposing the inside of the killing section of the Hatajiri cove -- apparently quite up-to-date -- by a local resident, who wants to remain anonymous for obvious reasons. This person meant to reveal the extent of cover-up (literally) undertaken by the Taiji Fisheries Union, to hide what is presently happening in the killing cove.

I do not know, if this person has legal access to the killing section of Hatajiri cove or if the images were taken without permission; but this is not of concern to me. The anonymous source expressed confusion about why the Taiji dolphin hunters try to hide so desperately what they claim to be so proud of.

And the source showed deep concern for the reputation of both Taiji and Japan, with all the negative international attention drawn by the "distressful situation" related to the Hatajiri cove. "Many people, even within the Taiji community, are against dolphin hunting and the difficult situation resulting for this rural town", the source clearly said: "But they do not dare to raise their voices."

This is why these present images have come to be disclosed by the anonymous local person: "So they could be spread as widely as possible, both internationally and within Japan." I wish to give thanks and appreciation for the courage of this local person and to those, who made the connection and the communication possible for this sensitive matter.

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すべてのコメント (1)

  • crftysue

    Good to know that some citizens of Taiji do not support the brutal slaughter of these beautiful sentient creatures of the oceans.Hope the brave person who took this video will be able to meet with like minded Taiji residents and one day they all will find the courage to speak out and help end this slaughter once and for all. Let the Taiji whaling tradition be honored with festivals and museums. If they publicly voice their concerns Dolphin supporters around the world will surely support them.


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