Levitra Users Share Their Experiences With the Product
Levitra as an ED drug

levitra-1Levitra is a well-known medicine for Erectile Dysfunction (ED), and is out there in the market for a long time with an astonishing high acceptance ratio.

Here are some benefits of Levitra

Levitra will give you an erection effective, staying in your system between 4-5 hours. Some men may even get an erection within 15 minutes, but usually occurs within 30 minutes. It can also take Levitra with food (if not ingest large quantities of fat) and drink, without it affecting the performance and effectiveness of the tablet.

Levitra works in many men who have diabetes type 1 or type 2 and even with some degree of impotence is clinically proven to improve erectile dysfunction problems, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Who shouldn’t take Levitra?

Patients taking medications that contain nitrates should not take Levitra.
Men above 75 years of age and who are taking ritonavir, Indonavir, Ketoconazole or Itraconazole (oral) also should not take Levitra.
Woman independent if they are pregnant or not should never take Levitra
Patients younger than 13 years old should not take Levitra
Patients with Liver problems should not take Levitra before asking a doctor
Patient with serious heart problems should consult their doctors before going further with the medication

Men with heart disease to certain severity where sex is inadvisable, with low blood pressure or who have had a heart attack or a stroke recently, should not take Levitra. Do not take Levitra with any other medicine for impotence.

levitra-2What are the most common secondary effects of Levitra?

The most common side effects of Levitra are headaches, certain warmth in the face or body and some dizziness. The side effects disappear within a few hours after completion of intercourse. But if you feel that somehow the side effects are lasting for longer than that, you should not hesitate into contacting your doctor.

Why Levitra?
Unlike other medicines, Levitra does work perfectly but does not overkill the problem, some medications out there claim to last longer or that they are even stronger but this isn’t the plain reality. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a complicated problem and does not have a permanent “fix” yet, but with Levitra you can easily bypass this and increase the quality of your sexual life in an unbelievable way. Also you can eat after taking Levitra, it won’t cause the pill to fail, differently from most of the available Erectile Dysfunction pills out there in the market.


Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a serious problem, even though it may not show deep consequences in the clinical point of view, it can cause depression and social problems for the man in question. Levitra came there not as a permanent solution, but as a help to those men in need. The pill is there and has been tested endlessly, its already famous internationally and has proven to be a very reliable weapon against the terror that Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is.

Is the ED drug Levitra really effective?

levitra-3A lot of people start panicking when their doctor first tells them that they have erectile dysfunction, a condition that a lot of folk like to call “impotence”. They think that this marks the end of their sex life. Well, it is not so. Erectile dysfunction can be treated successfully, if not cured.

One of the drugs that are effective at treating ED is called Levitra. This drug has been manufactured in 2003 and has since become one of the top three selling drugs, right after Viagra and Cialis.

There is a very good reason for this as well. Levitra is known to be very effective. According to one study, more than 90% or people who have been taking it for a month have reported back that it has indeed helped them with their erections.

Before we continue on with the Levitra itself, I think that a word or two about what erectile dysfunction is and what it causes it is in order. ED is a condition that prevents a man from achieving and maintaining a proper penile erection, which can be pretty annoying if he is trying to have sexual intercourse with his loved one. This condition can be caused by a number of physical and psychological reasons, like certain diseases, side effects from some drugs or just plain tiredness and stress.

Whatever the reason for erectile dysfunction, this is not something that you should ignore. Talk to your wife or girlfriend about it, you will need her support. Of course, the most important thing to do here is to go see a medical professional and explain the situation to him, so that he can advise you on what ED drug you should take

levitra-4In the past, a lot of people were afraid to make even this move. Some out of fear of ridicule and others because there really wasn’t a good treatment for ED until the very late 20th century.

Now, let’s get back to Levitra. When it comes to how fast it will work or how long it lasts, it doesn’t go much above, say Viagra. You need to consume it (orally, of course) at least 20 minutes before you can engage in sexual intercourse and it will last for about 4-6 hours, sometimes an hour more. Where it is a lot better is the fact that it can give you much stronger erections than any other ED drug on the market and, of course, thanks to this, both you and her will be able to enjoy sex a lot more.

Remember one thing, though. Levitra is not a magic pill, although it may seem like one sometimes. It will not cure you of this condition and it will not achieve an erection for you, either. To do that, you will have to be sexually stimulated, but I wouldn’t worry about that part. You have 20 minutes for foreplay at your disposal, so use it good.

Is Levitra truly and effective potency drug?

levitra-5An erectile dysfunction drug Levitra has been introduced to the market in 2003. In just a few years since it was available for sale, this ED drug has become one of the three top selling drugs in the world together with Cialis and Viagra, although slightly below them most of the time.

The mechanism of action that this potency drug uses is the same as with any other drug of this type. Its active ingredient, Vardenafil is a PDE5 (phosphodiesterase type 5) inhibitor. This enzyme is the main reason why millions of people on the globe cannot get a proper penile erection and make their partners happy in bed. Vardenafil (Levitra) treats this problem when it is taken by inhibiting it and allowing enhanced blood flow to the penis. Because of that, a man is capable of having an erection and, of course, sexual intercourse.

Levitra should be taken approximately 20 minutes before sexual intercourse, however if you’ve had a heavy meal before it than that time can be a few minutes longer. In either case, Levitra can be taken with or without food. When it starts to work, this drug will be effective for the next 4 to 6 hours. In this time you won’t have any problems achieving an erection and can engage in love making whenever you and your partner wish.

levitra-6The adverse effects of Levitra are basically the same as with other drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction. The most common ones are headaches, flushing, runny/stuffy nose, back or muscle pain. These side effects should not give you much problem as they usually pass away after a day or two. However, PDE5 inhibitors, like Levitra, can also cause some problems with your eye sight . These negative effects are rare, but they shouldn’t be ignored as they can include: photosensitivity, blurred vision, inability to make out blue from green color, seeing a blue tinge around the objects, loss of peripheral vision, or glaucoma. In some rare cases, Levitra has been reported to cause sudden vision loss, which can manifest in both eyes or just one. This condition is called non-arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy or NAION). Most people who developed this medical condition where: over 50; had diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and/or were smokers. As you can see, the risk was already there, Levitra has increased the probability of that happening.

You shouldn’t take Levitra before you at least talk to your doctor. You already know the benefits of this drug, but should also know about the dangers that it can cause. This ED drug should not be given to anyone who is suffering from heart disease or has a high blood pressure. Also, make sure that your doctor knows your medical history, especially any liver or kidney diseases and allergies.

This ED drug can also be ordered via Internet, but in that case you have to make sure that you’ve found a reputable online pharmacy. The whole ordering process is actually quite hassle free and you needn’t worry about the secrecy of your personal information


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