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What is Intivar?


If you’re experiencing painful or uncomfortable sex you know how it can put a really stressful on both you and your partner. Pain, discomfort, lack of sexual desire, vaginal dryness, delayed orgasms are all natural things, and they are usually a result of aging process.  As the time passes  and you are getting older it's normal to experience decline in your sexual hormones. If you experiencing these problems you know how loss of lubrication in your vagina can make sexual intercourse very uncomfortable. To make things even worse, lack of vagina lubrications can lead to infection such as thrush.

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Ingredients and what make this product work so well


When it comes to dealing with vaginal dryness, painful sex and similar problems there is no better product on the market than Intivar. It is a highly effective product that really works. One of the profess for this high efficiency is a 60 days money back guarantee. Intivar is a great quality formula made only from natural ingredients. In this article you can read more about this great ingredients and their properties.
First on this list is Mirofirm. From Mirofirm you will gain many benefits. It will tight and firm vaginal wall, it increases blood flow, improves natural lubrication,  and eases dryness.

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What People Have to Say About Intivar


"This is gel is unbelievably effective. It very easy to use and it feels very pleasant when I use it. It is a great for lubrication, sex is much more pleasant with Intivar. Like most other women I too have very sensitive skin so I really like the fact it’s made from natural ingredients."
- Andrea, Denver, Colorado

"For so long time I had uncomfortable and quite often painful sex. I'm really thankful to Intivar because it helped me so much. It helped me to improve my sexual activity a lot. Now, I have more frequent sex, and I'm experiencing more orgasms than I ever did before.

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How Intivar has helped me with my sexual problems


Hi! My name is Susan, I'm 40 years old woman from Boston and I'm proud mum to two beautiful boys, Marc 7 and Lucas 4 years old.
I'm writing this review because I would like to share my experience and that way maybe help other who are suffering from the same problems I had in the past. My problems started after I had my second birth, in that moment I was 36 year old. Before and during my second pregnancy, my husband and me, we had regular sex in which we both enjoyed very much. However, after I had my second birth, I started experiencing problems of vaginal dryness and there so quite unpleasant and painful sex.

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