eToro is one of the biggest forex trading platforms on the internet. It has turned this independent hobby into a social event, by allowing traders to communicate with others and share their experiences. This is a great option for beginners who want to learn more and professionals who would like to share their experience.

Trade Anywhere

You do not need to be at home to start trading with eToro. There are three platforms available, for the desktop, the web and the mobile. The desktop is an excellent option for when you are at home or working from your own computer as it is quicker and allows you to do everything the web-based platform is. However, when you want to check away from home, the web-based and mobile platforms allow you to stay up to date and avoid missing any lucrative trades.

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Chat in Real-Time

There is a chat feature on the eToro web-based application. This allows traders to chat to each other in real-time, which is perfect for finding the most lucrative trades and learning more about the forex trading world. It can help beginners gain more experience and learn the secret tips from the professionals. Those who do not want to be bothered while online can set themselves to invisible so others cannot contact them.

See What Others Are Doing

Ever wondered what competitors have done or how other traders have made money? With eToro, that is possible. There is a feed that constantly updates with the moves that other traders have done. This helps to assess the risk factor of any trades that you consider and understand the tactics a little better. It can take some time for novices to get used to this part of the platform but after a while it is a great way to determine new strategies to make more money with forex trading.

Trade Little

For those who are new, you will not want to trade a lot of money to start with. There is a Bronze account for those who want to trade less than $1,000 (about (£600) per trade. This still offers the benefit of the chat feature and the weekly newsletter to learn more about forex trading and the eToro platform.

Trading does not need to be difficult. With eToto you can learn from the best and develop strategies based on others’ mistakes. It offers a live chat and updates everyone’s moves to understand the world of forex trading more.

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