How to Shop Around for Eternity Rings

Eternity rings are traditionally given to women by their husbands on an anniversary. They are worn on the same finger as the wedding and engagement rings. When shopping around for the perfect ring, it is important to consider a number of factors. This will help to find a ring that you can comfortably afford and will look beautiful with the other rings.

Have a Strict Budget in Mind

When shopping around for eternity rings, it is easy to start overspending. The shop assistants will want you to spend more and will really sell the rings with a higher price tag. They may even steer you away from the cheaper rings. However, having a budget in mind will help to prevent the overspending. You will be able to politely decline anything over your budget and shop somewhere else if they are not willing to help you stick to that.

Have the Wedding and Engagement Rings in Mind

You need to find eternity rings that match the other rings worn on that finger. This will mean matching the same metal colour and design. The eternity ring is usually worn next to the engagement ring, so you will also need to find a ring that matches the style of that. This can be difficult and it is worth either borrowing the rings or taking a photo of them to help compare the various styles and designs available.

Buying Bespoke Rings

Bespoke eternity rings offer you the benefit of getting exactly what you want. You will be able to make sure that the ring fits flush against the engagement ring. You will also have a choice of various metals and jewels used in the rings, such as birthstones instead of just diamonds. There is also the chance that you will spend less on bespoke rings as the cost is for the amount of metal you use, unlike in the stores. Those with smaller fingers benefit greatly by buying bespoke rings.

Finding the perfect eternity ring will take time but that time is worth it. Always have a budget before you start shopping and avoid sales assistants who are unwilling to settle with that budget. You have the power in the store and can walk away if you are being pushed into a decision that you do not want to make. Shopping online will allow you to compare the various prices but always have the style of the wedding and engagement rings in mind when shopping.