Dragon Quest 10 brings an end to the Dragon Quest franchise series, into legend...

Dragon Quest 10 brings an end to the Dragon Quest franchise series, into legend...
Anyone knows Dragon Quest? It "well-mannered-ly" rampaged the gaming world in the past.
I know. Not just in the past, the rampaging is still going on isn't it...
Due to Dragon Quest 10, the series is hitting slump.
I wonder though. Since nobody knows the detail of the release, shouldn't nail into conclusion hastily
They certainly got themselves into the prohibited zone in Dragon Quest 10. Doing something they ain't supposed to.
And that is?
The concept on exclusively only for online gaming. You darned can enjoy the opening of the game online, but if everything were to be made only exclusively online, it will affect the number of gamers.
Its inevitable that the sales will drop. But that's the problem? If you look at the bright side, there're still pros, aren't it.
Based on the this topic, the problem lies on the our different points of view. There's nothing to debate about if this online gaming concept is solely only for profit purposes. However, looking at the macro level of Dragon Quest, I wonder is it really a good thing to instill this concept. Not just the profit thing, but they should also taking other circumstances into consideration.
Well, I guess today's topic is not solely on Dragon Quest 10, but also the entire Dragon Quest series.
Like I said, so what problem does it serve when they are bringing the entire game into online platform?
The problem lies on, there are definitely people out there who ain't able to play online. Playing Dragon Quest 10 will be out of question. I'm sure that there are die-hard Dragon Quest series fans who collect the entire series. But because of this online gaming concept, some people are forced to drop this upcoming franchise. And thus, once you drop one collection, even if Dragon Quest 11 is made offline, nobody can foresee whether those who dropped one volume will come back for the other.
The same thing applies to Final Fantasy 11. FF fans who are unable to play FF11 drop the idea in continuing their FF collection.
Thanks to that, now everybody knows that Final Fantasy series is hitting slump. Or already down in slump.
But the sales went up isn't it?
That includes overseas market. Overseas game industries have been expanding since 2005. Thus, that explains the increment for the FF13 sales. If we just focus on the local industry, in other words, looking into our Japan-made Final Fantasy franchise series during the peak of the game industry period, they are really down into slump.
you mean Final Fantasy 11 is one of the causes?
I don't seek for the cause to be this. A title that was supposed to be selling at 2 million copies but was down to only 200k. Well, its still acceptable if at least 200k people played the game. Looking at the sales number, there are definitely people with multiple accounts within the number. I'm sure gamers who seriously touched on FF11 are fewer than the reported numbers.
Less than 10% really touched on to the game you mean.
Imagine those who played the game through the series but can't even touch it? Well, I'm sure there are people who find the game boring but carried on anyway. Just like reading a manga; you will still continue to the last chapter even though you find the story boring.
So you mean the online gaming concept for Dragon Quest 10 is a failure?
Depends on further updates. For Dragon Quest 9's case, even though they disabled the online download option, the capacity of the content for the game is enough to cover up the shortcomings. That's provided that Dragon Quest 10 is well-done enough to change the world's perspective. If they center the pre-release promotion on the online concept, people will drift away from it. Or, even if someone bought the game and the online gaming content is lacking, Dragon Quest series will be crowned "boring". Definitely will cause damage to the brand.
But its different from during the FF11's period. Online gaming environment has been conducive nowadays. Some people might have the intention to go into more online games.
Not quite so. Wii is only via Wi-fi. How many homes actually have Wi-fi installed? More than half of the home users are using wired connection.
Still can connect through wired isn't it?
If connecting through wired, you will need to buy some peripherals to connect it. And, you will need to disconnect the modem from you PC in order to connect Wi-fi. its troublesome to have to keep repeating it.
Isn't router enough to do the job?
To get those stuff, money is another concern. Ultimately, its just like making us buy the Playstation 2 BB navigator. The setting for router is rather troublesome, even though it is said that it is less trouble nowadays. I don't think so though.
There are people who aint IT savvy. Problems will start coming in.
In the first place...
In the first place?
They deliberately entitled it "online" under the name shows that they are planning to make Dragon Quest 10 in Wii U. If that's the case, hopeful they are able to salvage some numbers in the sales.
What have been discussed today is really worrying.
If this online concept is nailed, whatever being discussed today will hit the bull's eye. If they were to include some offline substances into the game in the first place, the sales will hit millions. After which, introduce the online concept then. If this exclusively online gaming concept is meant to cater to hundred thousands of users, it will raise the probability on how many people will be able to touch on the game. Well, as far as equipment and setting are being concerned, they can't make haste decision.
It will cause congestion if too many people were to start surfing and play at the same time. More complains instead.
Wii Wii U caters to both online and offline gaming.
Whatever it is, everything depends on the information updates. Including whether the brand is really hitting the slump, lets check it out.

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International Ranking
Product Popularity Rankings for United States, Japan, United Kingdom, Germany, France and Canada are now available. Genres included Game, Anime, Comics, Toys, Music CD, etc.

Monster Hunter 3G built for Nintendo 3DS. Will it sell?

Monster Hunter 3G built for Nintendo 3DS. Will it sell?
I bet it won't
Will you not just shoot out suddenly?
Here's the pick-up for Monster Hunter 3G: After the the release of Monster Hunter Tri for Wii, Nintendo 3DS version will be putting on sales.
Even though it's also an portable version release, it sort varies from the PSP version release.
Nintendo 3DS is a also a portable console though.
And its really confusing when they also named the PSP version "Monster hunter 3rd".
Since Monster Hunter is coming into Nintendo 3DS, I wonder how will the sales do.
Oop? I thought I've already mentioned it right from the start?
Are you serious?
It won't sell. Probably just around the edge of 100k or so. I didn't mean to be such a wet blanket, but it definitely won't surpass the 1million copies sales for Wii version, not to even mention the 4million copies sales for PSP version.
There's not even many Nintendo 3DS units around the market though...
That's one of the reason being. Let's just say that whatever that is required from a portable console, PSP fulfills it. So, it defeats the purpose on buying a 3DS. Well, of course gadget goers who fancy new stuff will go for it though. But most gamers will want to be on the same tangent as others. Ultimately, rounding off to how many fancy-new-stuff-goers will buy it, 100k plus or minus is safe figure.
How many of them go buy the console then?
Depends on the sales period. It might not even hit 500k for the first week. Well, that also depends on the spread for 3DS though.
Won't Monster Hunter 3G, the title itself give a pull to the sales?
I doubt it will be easy. Well, it will be good if the influential power is impressive enough to surpass 1 million. If retail shops were to bring in too many stocks of the title due to some imprudent management in distribution, it will end up just like Monster Hunter Tri; sold at extreme cheap price varied from the original selling price. Its scary if the history repeats.
Its true that Wii's Monster Hunter Tri exceeded 1 million copies. But certainly retail shops sold them at cheap price.
Since its close to the year-end sales war, they might instill some bundle console set idea to sell it. If thing goes well, the idea might even boost the sales. That is if they take the price of the bundle, including 4800Yen for the game, within 20,000Yen. It will be up to Nintendo to work out with the idea in order to achieve that. So basically, instead of Capcom, success actually lies on Nintendo.
Details of the release date is really worth looking forward, yeah?
Originally, Monster Hunter series is developed for home machines, Monster Hunter portable series for mobile consoles and online frontier for internet. It will be good if they can keep on with this compartmentalization. I would like to witness what sort of influence Capcom will arouse from now on.

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Is the latest Sony head-mounted display HMZ-T1 a good recommendation for gaming?

Is the latest Sony head-mounted display HMZ-T1 a good recommendation for gaming?
Since the article was posted on Twitter, I'll do an introduction.

"Sony Head-mounted display has gone so far to this resemblance of a futuristic visor model. So can games be installed into it?"
The first-in-the-world 3D head-mounted display in HD EL panel that Sony unveiled earlier, right? When you wear it on your head, you are able to experience cinema-like viewing. The 3D support and EL panel seem to be the selling point. It has been revealed on Youtube and other online streaming websites. Have a look.

I see. So, what's the change?
No, There won't.
So, that means to say...?
Head-mounted display is just a Head-mounted display. Even if there are some upgrade and specialities coming out, it won't wash away the shortcomings the of the headgear. Not really worth it.
It adds weight to the head. Therefore, you can't use it for long. Other developers restricted the weight at around 100g and Sony actually came out with a 420g display. Its wouldn't be surprising to tire out after a long period of use with such a weight.
The weight is an issue, yeah?
Not just that. There are others like the eyes will get weary and stuff. I've tried it out back then. But ended up throwing it aside without touching it anymore.
The speed of technology improve tremendously nowadays compared to back then, you see. There might be a difference in use isn't it?
Well, if that's the case, let's hope so.
So, is HMZ-T1 recommendable?
The selling point is they actually price it at around 60,000Yen. I don't mind buying it if I can enjoy the 3D effect with this price. More economical than to buy a new TV for it. I'll just close one eye even if its not meant for long stimulation period.
Long stimulation period...you mean watching porn?
I'm talking about short period of time.
Its probably hard to focus even when it comes to the exciting part.
For what?
Don't make me say that...
Hey, what are you guys talking about...
There're lot of games you can play it on 3D. Just make use of the headgear to try it out. For normal TV, it will be good enough if you make use of the subroutines.
So? buying?
Does feel like getting it. The previous article on "Future GPX Cyber Formula coming in Blu-Ray box" introduced to the 3D visuals. If I'm able to watch it, I wonder if I'm able to reach the zero regime.
You are buying it just because of that...?
Makes me feel like getting it since we touched on this topic. So its the result of Sony's stealth marketing huh...
I don't think so though...
Stores likebiccamera.comsofmap.com,Sony Store has start taking in pre-orders.Interested buyers please search for "HMZ-T1" to check it out.

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Tokyo Game Show 2011 outline reviewed. Limelight will be on PS Vita.

Tokyo Game Show 2011 outline reviewed. Limelight will be on PS Vita.
The outline of the TGS has be reviewed, it seemed.
It has been made clear on the number of game companies showcasing their product.
It is sad that Level-5 will not be showcasing any work this year.
Game showcase from overseas developers also decreased.
I wonder is this year's TGS worth looking forward to?
There will be PS Vita.
oh yeah, that one.
In contrary, that's all we get to see...
I see...
Most of the information were all revealed in mass reports even before the commencement of TGS. Whats more, due to the decrease in overseas developers' game showcase, display stands are all taken up by mobile related items showcase, game schools, merchandise and etc. Comparing to past years TGS, this is a gloomily one.
I wonder why is it turning out like this?
I feel that the market is turning weak since Wada Youichi becomes the director.
It doesn't seem to be the case though...
They reached at least 200,000 visitors actually. In terms of numbers, there is a slight increment.
Even if there are visitors, there's nothing much to see isn't it? I even wonder if there will be some cosplayer showcase. Well, there will be Seiyuu events scattering around though. But that's just catering for a small portion of visitors. The attention should be focused on the the game.
But you see, they will be reviewing the latest portable game console PS Vita this year. Already worth quite a lot of attention isn't it?
PS Vita does worth some anticipation. But what so special about it, that's another problem. I guess in the end it all depends on the softwares. Well, whether or not they will instill the software, it will lead to different responses in the event.
Its true that the software is the important one.
Anyway, will they be make us try out the console with the cords attached to it?
It was like that during the release of the prototype PSP.
There will be a talk on the specs from 11.10am to 12nn. Possible that they might announce the release date and other updates. Feel free to check it out.
Roger that.

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