In Motion Web Hosting Service

InMotion Hosting - $1/m Discount

$1 Discount per month special offer at InMotion Hosting.
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InMotion is one of the most reliable web hosting services in the industry. Despite the number of similar businesses, InMotion remains at the top of its game. The web hosting service is ideal for personal web pages as well as business and ecommerce sites. The InMotion servers are up and running 99.9% of the time, guaranteeing customers their web pages will be available virtually all the time.

The web hosting packages offered by InMotion include features that are unique and not found as part of other hosting packages. This keeps web hosting packages lean and mean and not taking up space with features and options that are not necessary.

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Linux and Windows operating systems are utilized by InMotion servers. Not all hosting services give customers a choice in operating systems. The difference between Linux and Windows will only be noted by computer geeks. One does not have an advantage over the other or provide better or more efficient service, which is why most hosting services only offers one or the other.

Managing web pages is easy and efficient with a control panel named cPanel. The panel provides a one point system that makes web page management easier. All tasks are completed from the control panel and include tracking web page data, email setup and monitoring, statistics and web data upload.

InMotion keeps their basic packages streamlined and offers a variety of features and options that can be added. This prevents customers from including features that they will not use. Some of the basic features included with each package include web design, email, maintenances and updates for the first year of the package. This saves web masters and the website time. Website building is available and is handled by one of the InMotion web building staff. The best techniques and methods will be used to make the website process as efficient as possible.

InMotion uses various tracking methods to allow website owners to determine a customer’s likes and dislikes on line for the purpose of sending out special offers and coupons to all customers or customers in a certain demographic. Shopping carts are valuable as a merchandise preference tracker. They automatically total a customer’s order and add the applicable tax and shipping cost.

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