Buying Trilogy Rings for Engagements

Trilogy rings are three-stone engagement rings. They are becoming extremely popular instead of the traditional one stone up higher than the metal. These styles of ring are elegant and come in many different options. Here are some things to choose from when you buy trilogy engagement rings.

Various Jewels Available

One of the benefits of trilogy rings is that you can buy them with different jewels instead of three diamonds. This is the perfect for those who want to make the engagement ring more unique and personal by adding a birthstone to the centre. However, these rings are usually more expensive, especially depending on the birthstone required and the treatments placed on the birthstone jewels.

Choosing the Metal

It is possible to buy silver, yellow gold, white gold and platinum for these types of engagement rings. While your partner may prefer yellow gold, the type of jewel chosen may not look as good, so you will need to rethink the type of jewel you buy. If you want to save money by buying yellower diamonds, yellow gold is better as the two colours blend together. Yellow diamonds do not look as good when placed in white gold and platinum.

The Shape and Fit of the Jewels

You will need to think about the shape and the fit of the jewels in the metal. This will affect the price and also the stability of the gems. The majority of trilogy rings will have diamonds that sit within the metal to hold the stones in place so that they can sit exactly next to each other. However, it is possible to buy the rings with the jewels spread apart. The shape will affect the ability to fit the diamonds together.

Bespoke Trilogy Rings

You may want to look into buying bespoke rings. This will offer you more creative control and find something that suits your partner’s style better. Take the time to look around various bespoke services and get consultations – the majority offer free, no obligation services to find out more about their rings and to find something that matches personal tastes.

Shopping around and having a style in mind can work but it is worth talking to jewellers and shop assistants. They will know more about trilogy rings and will help you find something that is just what you want. If you cannot find something in store, searching in bespoke companies is a great option and could help you save money.