
inflatable Pokemon Laplace

inflatable Pokemon Laplace
Suitable actions

inflatable Pokemon Laplace by

Basic properties
  • Item is made by: -- Unknown --
  • Batch type: unknown
  • Rarity level: unknown
  • Production years: unknown
  • Is anthro: no/unknown
  • Is promotional: no/unknown
  • Toy has been viewed 1307 times
Toy sizes (in inches)
  • Height: unknown
  • Width: unknown
  • Length: unknown
Toy valves & handles
  • Toy has handles: no/unknown
  • Valves: Valve #1
Surface & construction
  • Chambers amount: no/unknown
  • Air capacity: unknown
  • Vinyl thickness: unknown
  • Vinyl type: unknown
  • Type of seams: unknown
  • Colors: unknown
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