Host Monster Web Hosting Services

HostMonster - $3.95 Top Special Offer

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Since 1996, HostMonster (HM) of Utah has been offering web hosting services.HM, one of the first web hosting service providers, has morphed into an ever revolving and reliable hosting service. Thousands of customers operating more than one million web sites enjoy the reliability of HM and the state of the art technology they offer. HM provides affordable web hosting solutions that fits almost any budget.

HM guarantees 99.9% uptime, a major plus for ecommerce sites, and dedicated security to protect web page data. Customer web sites are monitored and backed up 24 hours per day, every day of the year, with date saved off site for added security. High on the list of services is customer service and HM has one of the highest rates of customer service in the industry.

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For maximum service, HM offers the best collection of administrative tools to help keep building and maintenance time to a minimum, allow the web master and site owner time to handle other web page related matters. Customers also enjoy a myriad of bonus features such as a social network interface, generation of email lists, message boards and forums and blogs. Two of the more popular bonus features are Python and Ruby/Ruby on rails.

Host Monster includes a number of standard features including secure IMAP and POP3 email support, email auto responder and forwarding, unlimited disk space and domains and international domain support. Ecommerce websites enjoy a variety of useful tools and options to make the shopping experience pleasant and secure. The features and options include Agora shopping carts, password protected directories, secure servers and SSL secure checkout.

The staff at Host Monster is committed to customer service and delivering help in a timely manner. The customer service staff specializes in problem solving and provides out of the box thinking to provide solutions that work. HM is competitive in the industry and can stand up against any other hosting service, no matter how big or small they are.

The web tools HM included with each account features unlimited bandwidth and disk space, infinite domains, additional domains for a small fee, and domain privacy. HM also includes web site building tools that are beneficial to getting a web page up and running as quickly as possible. The tools feature pick and click and drag and drop, adding efficiency to the work. WYSIWYG allows the web builder to see their work as the build progresses.

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