Toronto plumbers provide contract and emergency plumbing services. Plumbing problems can occur at the drop of a hat and in the event of an emergency, plumbing problems cannot be put off very long. Sometimes it means shutting the water down until help arrives and for the duration of the repair process.

In addition to contract and emergency services, plumbers also provided routine plumbing inspections and preventative care programs to help keep your plumbing in good working order.  When you purchase a previously owned home, it is a good idea to hire a plumber to provide a thorough inspect of all the plumbing to determine if it is in good repair or to determine what repair might be necessary.

Plumbers also install and repair hot water heaters and provide connection, installation, repair and disconnection of gas equipment such as stoves, heaters and gas fired water heaters. Plumbers are also experienced in drainage problems such as clearing pipes inundated with tree roots, sewer backups, leaky basements and pipeline power flushing.

 It is essential Toronto plumbers use state of the art equipment and the latest and greatest technology to perform the necessary plumbing procedures.

If Toronto plumbers are self employed, they are required to be licensed by the city. A plumber can work as an unlicensed entity, if they are employed by a licensed person. Plumbing licensure assures the customer they will receive a level of quality of work and the required knowledge and know how. Most plumbing tasks require the services of a licensed plumber. A plumbing license indicates the plumber has taken the required educational classes and served the required apprentice program before qualifying to take the licensed plumbing exam, and passed the exam within the established passing criteria.

Plumbers are required to renew their licenses periodically for the purpose of retaining their credentials. To qualify for license renewal, plumbers must submit the required renewal application and the appropriate fee along with the required documentation for any refresher classes that must be taken.

Plumbers who do not renew their license within the required grace period may be required to take the plumbing again to get their license back.  If a license lapses for a year or more, the plumber will be required to retake the plumbing exam in order to reestablish their license.

If plumbers are found to provide inferior work on a regular basis are subject to license suspension and possible fines and penalties.