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Contributor Since:January 2012
Location:Pasco, WA

About Me

I have been a scientist in the field of the earth and environmental sciences for 31 years, specializing in geologic disposal of nuclear waste, energy-related research, subsurface transport and environmental clean-up of heavy metals. I have found that important societal issues involving science and technology are rarely made on the basis of science, but on people's perception of science. Science is necessary but insufficient. It seems to be more important to understand Fareed Zakaria than Albert Einstein, although you better understand both if you want to solve issues like sustainable energy development. Prior to my present position, I was Director of the New Mexico State University Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Research Center, the independent and academic monitoring facility for the Department of Energy WIPP, a little-known deep geologic nuclear repository for bomb waste. I came to NMSU from Los Alamos National Laboratory where I was Project Leader for Radionuclide Geochemistry. Before that, I was on the faculty at Washington State University Tri-Cities. At the California Institute of Technology, I obtained a Ph.D. in Geochemistry in 1985 and a Masters in Planetary Science in 1981. I received a Bachelor's in Science in Geology/Biology from Brown University in 1979.



I'm Known For...

Understanding: energy distributions, planetary science, and subsurface transport of contaminants

My Current Project

Developing an achievable and sustainable energy mix for the world, something like a 1/3 - 1/3 -1/3, a third renewable, a third fossil fuel and a third nuclear.

My Greatest Achievement

Living to 55 with my brain and my ethics intact

I Truly Respect

Thoughtful people

Moments I'd Like To Forget


How I Pay For This Wardrobe

By getting paid to do science, the best job I could have dreamt up

Blocks I've Been Around

Moon, Mars and the Galilean satellites

Things That Really Happened

The older I get, the less real it seems that I was an Antarctic explorer in the '80s

Where I'd Like To Be 10 Years From Now

Still doing this

Why Forbes

The readership, the rational tone, and the search to understand what underlies human endeavors

My Other Website


What I'm Currently Addicted To...

Endless Suffrage 2012

This Is Annoying Me...

I'm getting old, specifically the knees

This Is Making Me Worry...

The continued societal trend in this country toward scientific illiteracy. Since about 1980, science has been thought of more and more as a religion. Not good! Some folks don't believe in nuclear physics but want a faster iPad. Hmmm....

This Is Bringing Me Joy...

Still with the the smartest most beautiful woman in the world, who's also my scientific colleague (you'll hear her voice in much of this blog)

I'm Running From...

Old age

This Is Helping Me Create...

Reading the new leaders in global philosophical debate

This Is Making Me Think - Hard...

My grandson, very cool, better than I am at computers, iPhones and sports, but I'm still better at chess

Can't Do Without

A good bed and good shoes

Favorite Voices

The ones in my head

My Most Awkward Moment

I was naked, but that's ALL I'm going to say about that!

My Secret Ambition

Not so secret, I want to live with Judith to be 200

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