Host Papa Web Hosting Services

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Host Papa (HP) has taken the environment to heart and moved to take due regard for what we already have and hope to keep in place for generations to come. Host Papa has taken their share of environmental responsibility and power their data centers and offices with renewable energy. They are definitely on the forefront of working to keep the planet healthy for the present time and for future generations. HP is one of the first companies to take such responsibility to heart and make such a commitment.

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Host Papa is an all inclusive web hosting package that offers the customer all the tools necessary to get a web page up and spinning in a short time. The tools include web site building with templates that require plugging in the necessary information. There is no building a web site from scratch; unless that is the route you prefer to take. The web builder tools is WYSIWYG, what you see is what you get and that allows the web master or site builder to see the web page as it is being built, before it is live.


HP customers enjoy hosting packages that include unlimited disk space and bandwidth and domains. Each account is equipped with cPanel, which is a web site management tool that allows site builders to upload and download files; track web space used, bandwidth used, as well as controls every aspect of the web page operation. The control panel adds efficiency to the operation of the site and provides all the necessary tools in one place.

Customers also receive advertising credits from Google AdWords, Amazon products, Miva Pay per Click, Facebook, Bing and Yahoo paid search. All accounts receive unlimited email and the email supports IMAP and POP3, auto responders, email forwarding spam assassin and virus scan.

HP accounts includes optional add on applications including web design templates, web builder software, Word Press for bloggers, forums and message boards, form email, image galleries and web auctions. Additional add on programs include content management tools such as Mambo, Moodle and Joomla, polls and surveys, guests books, ticket support systems and help centers.

HP multimedia capabilities include macromedia and flash, downloadable audio and video, MIDI files and Real audio and video. E-commerce is a valuable capability for those with selling sites and includes secure SSL systems and secures shopping carts. Merchants have the option to choose credit card and /or PayPal payment.

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