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Joomla is one of the several content managers that allow the user to design and construct a powerful website and online applications. Because of its versatility it has become one of the most popular pieces of software used for building websites. It is user friendly with a short learning curve and is available as an open source application.

Joomla is also tracking software in a great many applications including family and personal web pages, church and school pages, online reservations, government applications, ecommerce sites, nonprofit web sites, online magazines and other publications as well as corporate portals and websites.

Joomla is ideal for a variety of users including stores both ecommerce and brick and mortar, cultural organizers, ecology groups, financial institutions, banking and other financial institutions, ecology groups, restaurants and television stations, to name but a few.

Joomla is easy and simple to install and can be completed in a few clicks of the mouse. Web sites can be constructed using Joomla and turned over to the web master or website owner for management purposes. Add ons and extensions are available for Joomla, which makes the software more versatile and functional.

Joomla is the perfect choice to build communication tools, business directories at all levels at complexity, reservations systems and portals, data reporting tools and inventory control systems, product catalogs that are completely customizable and application bridges. Joomla is also ideal for creating forums and message board, guest books and message centers, question and answer portals and informational depositories. The applications can be built for shared or open resources and simple and complex platforms.

Most hosting services support Joomla and gives the web master or web site builder the ability to include very powerful resources for any websites that will attract major web traffic. Joomla is becoming a fan favorite that supports content merging and the ability to use pre-designed or just created templates and integrate them in any website design. Joomla hosting also allows the website owner to include any type of add on based on the goals and the needs of the website.

Joomla supports more than 2,300 extensions’, which adds even more versatility and flexibility to any website. Joomla has proven to give websites more depth and power and places any website in the top of a search engine. Joomla will give any website the ability to attract more web traffic and become a recognizable force in the ecommerce world.