Advanced Health LTD

Meratol is a diet supplement that works to increase metabolism, energy levels, increases alertness and attention and reduces fatigue. Meratol is a food supplement designed to work in conjunction with an exercise and healthy diet program. Meratol is not meant to replace a healthy diet and exercise; it was designed to enhance it.

Meratol tablets contain caffeine, brown algae, prickly pear and capsicum. The combination of the ingredients will increase metabolism, exercise endurance due to increased energy and an increase in alertness and attention. Meratol advocates for a healthy diet and not necessarily calorie counting. Meratol program is about learning portion control and developing healthy eating habits. It is possible to eat any kind of food, but in moderation. Weight loss is about food control and Meratol will help control food intake and calories by promoting an increase in metabolism and energy. The less food you eat, the more weight you will lose, but you should not skip meals. It is still important to maintain the proper nutrients and vitamins when losing weight to avoid the negative effects of dieting.

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The Meratol program includes taking two tablets per day with breakfast in the morning. The tablets contain a small amount of caffeine and gelatin.

The three main ingredients in Meratol include cacti-nea, which reduces fat and increases water weight loss. Cacti-nea is not a long term weight loss ingredient, but is effective for short term help with weight loss.

ID-Alg seaweed extract for the sole purpose of reducing weight you over eat. It is a high fibre ingredient and will help suppress appetite. The ingredient will be useful to reduce the effects of a day of over eating when you are on a calories restricted diet plan.

Capsicum is a common weight loss ingredient found in many weight loss supplements. The ingredient is found to increase metabolism and stimulate calorie burning by raising your body temperature.

Increased energy will be experienced within two days of beginning the use of Meratol. Weight loss experts advise using Meratol as a weight maintaining supplement, rather than a weight loss supplement. After your weight loss goal has been achieved, maintaining your desirable weight is the trickiest part of a program. The unfortunate thing that happens after losing weight is a lot of dieters fall back into their old routines and regain the weight back. An overall weight loss plan has to include the right follow up for the diet to be effective.

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