Why Cialis is the Best ED Treatment

For those who suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED), Cialis is the best treatment for a number reasons. First and foremost, is that it lasts. A daily dose of 40 mg of Cialis will let you satisfy your partner for up to 36 hours. Contrast that with the other major treatments, Viagra © and Levitra © where not only are the effects much more limited, but also there are just too many buts.

For example, if you are being treated by a specialist who believes in using older products such as Viagra ©, then you begin your dosage low and you take it high. Indeed, there have been reports of younger users taking this ED therapy to help them maintain their “parties” for hours. They are also violating the many warnings on the sides of the boxes that indicate that “if you have an erection that lasts in excess of four hours” see your physicians.

Whether it’s just urban legend or not, there are some younger men who are chancing damaging their reproductive systems permanently not only by using super-large doses of Viagra © — if 150 mg is good, 1,500 must be better is that type of thinking – and what they are finding is they end up not only crashing and burning, but usually they have to make life-saving trips to the emergency room where the pain of the long-lasting erection is taken away. That they may have injured themselves seems secondary to many.

Levitra © users seems to be of the same mindset.

However – and this is where Cialis differs – this is a product that you use daily so that your body becomes used to it and, if all systems are go, then there’s no reason you cannot expect to satisfy your partner for anywhere up to 36 hours.

For one reason or another Viagra and Levitra don’t – for want of a better phrase – hold a candle to Cialis.

It is true that Cialis comes with the same warnings that other ED drugs have but – and it’s a big but – you use Cialis in far smaller doses and they are used daily so that you have the ability to take advantage of them.

As with all drugs, if you experience:

  • Sudden drop in blood pressure
  • Sudden change in vision or visual acuity
  • An erection that won’t relax

You must take steps to have your specialist look at you or take a trip to the emergency room.

Of all the ED drugs out there, Cialis is the one most practitioners now prefer not only because it is gentler on your system, but it is also longer-lasting. For the record, most practitioners will prescribe a maximum daily – that’s right, daily – dose of 40 mg, while they will also follow your closely from a medical standpoint.

As with anything, there is a risk, but the risk with Cialis is the lowest of the major brands of ED stimulants.

Why is there such a rush toward ED assistance? Let’s face it, the Baby Boomers are the generations that were not going to age and they were going to live and love forever, however, nature has a very cruel joke to play on them. Boomers can’t outrun the Reaper and they can’t make love forever, no matter how they try, Cialis is just a last ditch attempt by many Boomers to keep their dreams alive.

Cialis Is A Once-A-Day Pill With 36-Hour Consequences

If you are an avid video-watcher, you’ve probably seen the commercials where the “man’s man” throws a saddle into the back of his pickup and then drives back to his million-dollar “ranch” where his honey awaits him.

Shot as an epic micro-mini-epic within an epic, you see our hero and heroine walk out onto the back deck, smiles on their faces as they watch the sunset together. If you listen to the “man’s male” announcer’s stentorian tones, you know that our hero’s cialis is still working away.

Cialis is the only erectile dysfunction (ED) drug that has been approved for daily use (40 mg) by the Food and Drug Administration in men (cialis will also work with some women) whose heart can take the stress of the “36-hour” love pill.

Having used Viagra © to help with problems brought on by some medical problems of my own, I can say that a pill like Cialis and its 36-hour capability can have bring you issues that you may not think of.

For example, Cialis warns its users to be wary of sudden drops in blood pressure and in changes in vision, both of which are legitimate concerns. For example, I already take other medications that cause my blood pressure to drop quickly, but I have been taking them for so long that my body has adjusted. The only problem with the Viagra was that I had one good shot with it in six months. I knew it was working that day because the world had turned blue, so you may find that your world, if you are a Cialis users turns a bright shade of blue.

For those men on whom it works, Cialis is a “wonder pill,” because it brings them back to a level of sexual activity they probably haven’t seen in years. Their partners may even be amazed at the levels of activity that Cialis users exhibit.

For women who are “at that point in life,” they may find that an active man will cause them some discomfort, as they are no longer secreting lubricating agents. It’s up to the Cialis user, then, to make sure his partner is comfortable with one of the many long-lasting gels that are available.

You might wonder how Cialis works and it is the result of groundbreaking work done in the early 1990s by ISOS that found that many ED issues could be overcome by stimulating the PDE5 inhibitor. Those studies found that taladafil would bind to the inhibitor and overcome ED in men. Dosages could range from 5 mg to 40 mg per day.  Cialis chemical name is sildenafil citrate and it does work up to 36 hours.

One warning that those who use Cialis have to worry about is an erection that lasts more than four hours because it can damage a man’s prostrate system (which is exactly the area that Cialis acts upon).

With all that we come to the end of the commercial that shows our smiling, happy couple, now, sans clothing, who have purportedly “done the horizontal bop” thanks to Cialis, sitting in separate bathtubs, holding hands and sipping wines.

If life could only be like that!!

Take One Cialis and You’re Good to Go

There are times in life where you need a little bit of help to get over a small hump in your life to achieve your goal. The hump for many men is a small bout of erectile dysfunction (ED) – it happens to everyone once in a while – but fortunately, there is help available in an ED drug that’s easy on your system and which can be taken daily so any dips in the road are soon things of the past.

Cialis, also known as taladafil, was approved for daily use about a decade ago and is available in dosages that start at 5 mg and increase to the daily recommended maximum of 40 mg. Once you’ve hit that plateau, you are ready to keep your wife or partner smiling for up to 36 hours.

Think about just how cool that is. At once, you are bringing love and playfulness back into your relationship, two features that are often missing from many the live of middle- aged people.

You don’t think those images of middle-aged couples bopping around the kitchen aren’t based on something. In this case, it is the 40 mg daily dose of Cialis that, when taken regularly, certainly helps to restore a relationship better than a new Caddy CTS or new diamond.

For most people of middle-age, the problem is they are missing the love and spontaneity they experienced when they first hooked up with their wife or partner. You remember just how a touch or dance sparked feelings that had you literally ripping each other’s clothes off as you got together, no matter where you were, the front seat, the dining room table or the bedroom.

Cialis brings back those feelings as they ensure that you are ready to go when the spontaneous moment occurs. In middle-age, those moments still occur, even for menopausal women who, in some cases, can have an increased level of libido. If that’s your lucky case, then Cialis is ready to help you meet your mate’s call.

It has helped to bring more marriages and relationships back together than all of the “couples therapy” of which you can think because the couple really doesn’t need therapy; they need to enjoy one another as they used to. With Cialis that’s no longer a problem; when the spirit moves one of you the other is willing and able.

A few years ago, ED was viewed as a serious matter and it still is for most folks, but with Viagra and Levitra leading the way, you had to know that sooner or later a longer-lasting drug such as Cialis would make its appearance and the happiness it would bring back to renwed marriages and couples is worth the investment in the prescription.

The only caveat we can think of is that your health has to be sound and that you may experience a tad of dizziness if your blood pressure drops. If it happens more than once, you may have to back off on your Cialis use a bit until your body returns to normal.