TOKYO UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES Graduate School of Global Studies 3-11-1 Asahi-cho,
Fuchu-shi Tokyo 183-8534 JAPAN |
Yasuyuki Matsunaga
associate professor
E-mail: matsunaga@tufs.ac.jp
Room 524
Office hours: 12:00-12:30, Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday
Departmental affiliation: Program in Peace and
Conflict Studies, Graduate
School of Global Studies
political regimes and democratization
and politics in modern and contemporary Iran
Eastern relations
Educational Background
(political science), New York University (U.S.A.), 2006. Dissertation: Struggles for Democratic Consolidation in the Islamic Republic of Iran,
1979-2004. [Abstract].
(international studies), University of South Carolina (U.S.A.), 1994
(Islamic studies), University of Tokyo, 1987
Associational Affiliations
East Studies Association of North America (MESA), International
Society for Iranian Studies (ISIS), American Political Science
Association, American Sociological Association (Middle East Sociology Working Group)
Association of International Relations, Japan Association for Comparative
Politics, Japan Association for Middle East Studies,
Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan
Select Publications
Human Rights and New Jurisprudence in Mohsen Kadivars
Advocacy of New-Thinker Islam, Die Welt des
Islams, Vol. 51, Nos.
3-4 (2011), pp. 358-381. [Abstract]
The Secularization of a Faqih-headed Revolutionary Islamic State
of Iran: Its Mechanisms, Processes, and Prospects, Comparative
Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Vol. 29, No.
3 (2009), pp. 468-482. [Abstract].
Popular Sovereignty and Republicanism
in Irans Postrevolutionary Electoral Democracy, in Development of Parliamentarism
in the Modern Islamic World, ed. Sato Tsugitaka
(Tokyo: The Toyo
Bunko, 2009), pp. 134-153.
Ayatollah Khomeinis Doctrine of Wilayat al-Faqih (Velayat-e Faqih), Orient,
Vol. 44 (2009), pp. 77-90.
and Borujerdi, Hosayn, in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World, 5 vols., ed. John L. Esposito (New York and Oxford: Oxford
University Press, March 2009), pp. 240-245 and 361-362.
Political Parties,
in Iran Today:
An Encyclopedia of Life in the Islamic Republic, 2 volumes, ed. Mehran Kamrava and Manochehr Dorraj (Westport, CT: Greenwood, October 2008), pp.
Mohsen Kadivar, an Advocate of Postrevivalist Islam in
Iran, British Journal of Middle Eastern
Studies, Vol. 34, Number 3
(December 2007), pp. 317-329; reprinted in Iranian Intellectuals: 1997-2007, ed. Lloyd Ridgeon (London and New York: Routledge,
April 2008), pp. 57-69. [Abstract].
A Contemporary Iranian Perspective on the Issue of Legitimacy of Rule, Bulletin of the Society
for Near Eastern Studies in Japan, Vol. 44, Number 2 (2001), pp. 87-103
[in Japanese]. [Abstract]
Irans Domestic Politics and Foreign Economic
Relations after the Sixth Majles Elections, in Politics, Economy and Sanctions in the
Persian Gulf States in a Changing Environment, ed. Sadashi Fukuda (Chiba,
Japan: Institute of Developing Economies, 2001), pp. 16-25.
Examining the Views of Allamah Majlisi
on Legitimate Political Authority (saltanat-i mashruah) and the
Guardianship of the Jurist (wilayat-i faqih), Orient, Vol. 35
(2000), pp. 12-22. Reprinted in Journal of Religious Thought
(a journal published by Department of Theology and Islamic Studies, College of
Literature and Humanities, Shiraz University), Vol. 2, Nos. 1-2
(Autumn-Winter 2001), pp. 3-16 [in English].
LΙtat rentier est-il rιfractaire ΰ la dιmocratie? Critique internationale, Number 8 (Summer
2000), pp. 46-58 [in French].
The Development and Debate over the Doctrine of Wilayat-i Faqih
since Imam Khomeini, Bulletin
of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan, Vol. 42, No. 2 (1999),
pp. 61-79 [in Japanese].
Fellow (Contemporary Islamic Studies Group), Toyo
Bunko (Tokyo, Japan), 2003
the present
Field Research in Iran, 1997-1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
Board, Annals
of Japan Association for Middle East Studies, April 2009 the present
Committee, Japan
Association of International Relations, October 2008 November 2009
Committee, International
Society for Iranian Studies, 2009-2010
Board, Society
for Near Eastern Studies in Japan, 2000
the present
Attachι, Embassy of
Japan in Iran, October 1997
October 1999
Studies Fellowship, Eiji Saito Islamic Endowment (Tokyo, Japan), 2000 - 2001
Seminar I: Introduction to Peace & Conflict Studies (Spring 2012) <2010syllabus>
Seminar III: Thesis Research and Structure (Spring 2012)
and Conflicts: Advanced Seminar on Conflict and Contentious Politics (Fall
and 459 Comparative Politics: Explaining Political Processes (Spring and Fall