If you suffer an injury, you are entitled to seek compensation for that injury from the party that caused the incident that, in turn, caused the injury. The injury can be caused by an accident on the road, at home or in the workplace, medical negligence or by a defective product.

Injuries can range from claims arising at birth to whiplash in a car accident to loss of limb and even fatal injuries. The amount of the compensation is usually directly proportional to the severity of the injury. Before submitting a claim, seek the advice of a solicitor who will analyze your case and advise you on the best course of action. The solicitor will also let you know if you do have a case and what the chances of winning compensation.

Before submitting injury claims notify the respondent, the person against whom the claim is being made, in writing and advise that person of your intention to file a claim. This has to be done within two months of the accident.

In some countries within the United Kingdom Injury claims are submitted to the Injuries Board, while in other countries injury claims are made against the insurance company insuring the person who caused the accident. In the event the person is not insured, the claim is made against that person.

 The person who the claim is against may offer to settle the claim to avoid a long, drawn out event and a possible lawsuit. Be advised, if you settle a claim and later determine the settlement does not cover the financial loss, there is no going back and asking for more money. Never settle a claim without the advice and guidance of a solicitor.

When submitting a claim to the injuries board, it will be necessary to include a medical assessment of the injuries. The assessment is filled out by the doctor treating your injuries and can be submitted by you with the claim or by the doctor.  The claim and all supporting documents can be submitted on line or by post.

Claims to the injury board must be submitted within two years of the accident. If the victim is under the age of 18 years old, the claim can be filed by a parent or guardian on behalf of the minor. Claims made on behalf of a minor cannot be submitted online. When submitting a claim to the injury board, there is a fee that must be paid before the claim is processed.