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Propecia Hard Facts

Knowing the hard facts about Propecia will help you realize why dermatologists prescribe this drug when it comes to treating baldness. Dermatologists know that this drug is the most effective treatment for baldness – and it is the safest too.  But don’t just get information from them.  You should conduct your own investigation.

So, what are the hard facts that you should find out in your search for information?  First, know the details of this drug – history, action in the body, chemical composition, side effects, etc. Next, do a research on what people are saying about this drug, both on what the experts are saying and what users have to say about this drug.

Details on Basic Function

We know that medical terminologies are hard to understand and so sometimes, you feel that you are merely wasting your time doing your research.  This happens to common people who try to understand what’s written on drug’s labels and it is not unusual if you experience the same difficulty.

Don’t let this difficulty discourage you from getting to know this drug better.  Start your search for information by visiting medical websites that are designed to give ordinary people basic understanding of their medical conditions.

Investigate about the chemical composition of the Propecia drug.  With this, you will undoubtedly encounter the medical term Finasteride – the most powerful chemical for baldness treatment.  This ingredient is a laboratory-made type-2 5α-reductase inhibitor. The use of this chemical ingredient was approved easily by the FDA as soon as the manufacturers were able to explain the potency of the product and its safety for use.

As you would learn from the manufacturers, Finasteride was initially investigated for its ability to cure erectile dysfunction.  Only during the course of the investigation did they find out that this drug is rather good in treating baldness.  Today, Finasteride is used mainly for treating hair loss among men.

Treating Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

If you will use this drug, there’s a slight chance that you will also cure Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) as Finasteride helps to open the penile blood vessels and the urethral passages for easy flow of urine.  BPH is the condition wherein the prostrate becomes bigger than it should be.  Because of the ability of this drug to allow urine to go freely through the urethra, many BPH patients are thankful.

Study deeply the cause and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia so you can have a better understanding of how it benefits the body in that area.  With that, you will also be getting a deeper understanding of how it can help hair to re-grow and why it is always safe to use this drug with any patients.

Read Reviews

We advise you to read reviews but make sure that you will not be misled by negative comments about this drug.  Also, positive reviews offer more information – hard facts – meant to lay out the reasons why satisfied consumers have positive experiences with Propecia.  And when you see those hair strands slowly covering your scalp again, make sure to tell others about this miracle.  Encourage them to also find out what the hard facts are and choose to take advantage of the benefits of this drug.

Opinions About Propecia – Read Reviews

Propecia is the best solution in treating baldness among men.  Despite some negative reviews, it is still the number one medicine for baldness that dermatologists prescribe their patients.
The right thing to do is to consult with your physician first.  It is no use listening to people who think they have become experts just by using this drug.  Even if you hear good stories about this miracle medicine, do not [...] Continue Reading…

What to Ask Your Doctor About Propecia

Much controversy has surrounded the drug Propecia.   This drug has definitely captured the attention of many for being one of the most potent drugs for treating baldness among men and for being so controversial about its side effects.
If you are thinking about using this drug and are worried about what effects to expect, you should see your doctor for advice.  You are probably specifically thinking about the possible side [...] Continue Reading…