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Kamagra: A Medication to Eliminate Your Sexual Troubles

Unlike what some people may think, sexual troubles can occur in both men and women. Nonetheless, suffering from this problem is nothing to be afraid of or ashamed of. Through the years, experts have conducted extensive and comprehensive research as well as experiments in order to come up with the best solutions to these medical troubles.   A popular choice nowadays is the Kamagra which is a drug that can be used not only by men, but by women as well.  Enough studies have been conducted to warrant retail distribution of this drug.

About Kamagra

This drug is actually a first for its kind.  It is the foremost generic drug that can address sexual problems for both men and women. It is particularly more popular in men who suffer from erectile dysfunction.  In fact, it is also called as the generic Viagra. One of the reasons behind this is the fact that the process by which this works is the same as that with the Viagra. But of course, there are still distinguishable differences.

Sildefanil citrate is the most active ingredient used in the formulation of this medication. Through the years, this ingredient has been proven to be effective for increasing the flow and circulation of blood in the penis; hence addressing the problem in erection for men.

Your options

This drug comes in two forms. The first is the pills or tablets. These pills somewhat appear like blue diamonds because of their shape.  Given that, these pills have also been called as the Blue Pills.  Another form is the oral jelly.  You will just have to place this product under your tongue where it will melt.  Your body will then absorb it and the drug will take effect after a specific period of time.

Regardless of whether you opt for the pills or the jelly, you can be assured that this drug will be just as effective. They have the same power or potency.

When to take the drug

This medication should be consumed around 30 minutes to one hour before the sexual intercourse. This way, your body will be given enough time to absorb the chemicals and ingredients in the drug for the effects to manifest.

At the same time, experts and manufacturers recommend taking the drug when your stomach is empty.  This is because the potency of the medication is reduced if you are full.  Do not worry though because this does not mean that you have to starve yourself the entire day. You can eat hours before taking the drug. But avoid those which are rich in fat and make sure you eat a well balanced meal.

Buying the drug

This drug is available over the counter in various drugstores. That means you do not have to have a prescription from a physician in order to buy it. But of course, it will be best if you talk to your doctor first.  You can also buy Kamagra online from the official website of the drug. Here, you can also enjoy discounts and free consultancy with medical experts 24/7.

Your Affordable Medication for ED: Kamagra

No man is safe from erectile dysfunction (ED).  At some point in their lives, men would naturally experience a decline in their ability to engage in sexual activity.  Their bodies are not made to have and keep an erection in the same way throughout their lives.  Luckily for these men, there is an affordable way to deal with erectile dysfunction.  Kamagra is a well known drug today that is [...] Continue Reading…

Kamagra Solves Erectile Dysfunction

Nowadays, erectile dysfunction (ED) is very common in men of all ages.  Erectile dysfunction is known as impotence.  This simply means that he is unable to obtain or retain an erection to engage in sexual intercourse.  As common as this health condition is, its treatment is also fast becoming common in today’s marketplace.  There are solutions that you can use to treat your sexual dysfunction.
Kamagra is a generic version [...] Continue Reading…