Just like all other drugs, Viagra does not take effect instantly. It is stated in the label and in the prescriptions that the drug should be taken at least an hour or two before an anticipated sexual intercourse for it to bring about its ideal and intended benefits. It is not surprising as it may take some time for the body to absorb and react to the substance.

Are you aware that the blue pill can possibly take effect in as fast as 14 minutes? That certainly is good news to the numerous men who are taking the medication. A study conducted at the University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine found that within at least 14 minutes, more than a third of men who take the drug (100 mg) can achieve an erection that can be sufficient for completing sexual intercourse. The results of this study have been published in the Urology journal.

According to Dr. Harin Padma-Nathan, a clinical urology professor at the university, the so-called ‘onset-of-action’ speed serves as a significant factor that men logically consider when selecting an erectile dysfunction therapy. Many men want instant effects especially when opportunities to be intimate with a partner arise unexpectedly. Dr. Padma-Nathan assures that in this context, most physicians and patients know that there is no other similar drug for erectile dysfunction that can bring about desired effects in as fast as Viagra can do.

The double-blind study involved 228 men who have been taking the treatment (100 mg) for at least two months prior to the research. They were randomly assigned to take either the drug or an identical-looking placebo for up to 4 weeks. The participants had an average age of 60 years and had been generally suffering from erectile dysfunction for an average of 7 years. Most had moderate to severe case of the condition.

Results showed that erections were achieved by more than 50% of the men in the study within 20 minutes or less, leading to successful and satisfactory sexual intercourse. Men did not observe any specification on time of taking the drug. That means the medication can be taken anytime of the day and even without consuming food prior to intake.

The treatment was developed and distributed by Pfizer. After it was introduced in the market, it has since been a breakthrough oral medication for erectile dysfunction. The drug has been found to be very effective and at the same time well tolerated in more than 130 ongoing and already completed clinical studies. Viagra has gained approval from regulatory watchdogs in more than 120 nations. As one of the most commonly prescribed treatments, it has been prescribed more than 130 million times for over 20 million men around the globe.

The drug comes in tablets with different dosages from 25 mg to 50 mg and 100 mg. It is available exclusively from authorized pharmacies and healthcare providers. The medication is often used according to its approved labeling. It is important to get prescriptions from registered physicians to ensure overall safety of this effective treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is a medical condition wherein there is repeated or permanent inability to achieve or maintain penis erection which should be hard enough to complete sexual intercourse. The problem is very common among men, especially those who are in their senior years.  However, these days, it can also [...] Continue Reading…

The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction can shed light on other possible hidden and positive benefits of taking Viagra. The institute has been doing some studies about the likely outcomes of using the drug. The findings can be quite obvious and expected. But in many [...] Continue Reading…