Learn how to pressure bottlers in your country to remove unhealthy beverages from schools.
Read the ground-breaking report summarizing soft drinks' negative effects on health.
Help Get Soft Drinks Out of SchoolsThe Global Dump Soda Campaign aims to reduce consumption of high-calorie carbonated colas and other unhealthy beverages in primary and secondary schools as part of an international efort to improve children's health and diet. Our goal is to persuade soft-drink industry giants, namely the Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo, to provide more healthy alternatives such as 100% fruit juice, low-fat milk and water. The industry has adopted such policies for primary schools in the United States and Europe. Now is the time to make these changes around the world. Beverages in secondary schools need to be improved as well. Obesity and diet-related disease, including diabetes, heart disease and cancer, are rising around the world. Soft drinks are the only food proven to contribute to this negative trend. Carbonated colas (even diet colas) are associated with tooth erosion. Schools should set examples for healthy eating rather than providing beverages associated with poor health. Find out more. We want to know if Coke and Pepsi are pushing soft drinks in your country's schools. Tell us what's happening, share concerns and connect with parents, teachers and health professionals who want to make a difference. Let's team up to bring healthier drinks to schools! CSPI Applauds Pepsi for Making World-Wide Commitment Not to Sell Sugary Soft Drinks in Schools Learn how Coke Ads Misleadingly Imply Progress in Removing Soft Drinks from Schools. In a series of full page advertisements, Coca-Cola misleadingly implies that it is removing soft drinks from schools in all of North America, when in fact the company is only taking that step in the US and Canada -- Coke is still be sold in schools in Mexico (which has one of the highest obesity rates in the world). See our letter to Coca-Cola and the company's response to us admitting its error.
See the number of soft drinks children consume at school in your country |