MR. TRAUTMAN: Okay good. I know they gave you some data points that we got from Ronald Reagan.
MR. TRAUTMAN: We got an additional one.
MR. TRAUTMAN: The ship was out, we thought they were getting further away from port and they went up to 130 miles or from the plant, and we were still reading a direct gamma shine of 0.6 millirem per hour, and I am still working on the — the exact ship position and in fact we just got an additional data point from them that is in longitude and latitude and we are busy patching that to NARAC right now so they can update the plots for all of us as part of this process.
MR. VIRGILIO: Okay. Are you doing back- calculations or is somebody doing back-calculations on that dose?
MR. TRAUTMAN: Back-calculations to the source?
MR. TRAUTMAN: Yes, we are — frankly the answer to that is yes, but we are not — we have not done it yet. We are not used to, frankly, dealing with the intermediate age here. We have got a reactor that has been shut down for three days and so we are having to do a little bit more math than we would normally do in getting to that, but we are working that, yes.
MR. VIRGILIO: Okay. Is there — there is some central source, (inaudible) back to IMAC (phonetic).
MR. MCDERMOTT: IMAC does the — this is
Brian McDermott — yes, IMAC does the plot. When we have exercises and we practice with them, usually our protective measures team generates the source term and provides it to IMAC, but whatever data you have in terms of field data, if we can provide that to our technical measures team, they should be able to do a back-calculation just to at least give us some damage assessment.
MR. TRAUTMAN: Yes, well they should have — like I said, you already had four data points from us earlier today –
MR. TRAUTMAN: with different times, so if you can –
MALE PARTICIPANT: How is that communicated to us?
MR. TRAUTMAN: That was via the phone conversation with Admiral Donald and Mr. Weber, is what I was told.
MALE PARTICIPANT: Let’s go over those four data points and let’s just make sure we have got them, if you have got them handy.
MR. TRAUTMAN: I do. This was a — this was let’s see, at 100 nautical miles, I had three things. We had 7.5 –
MR. VIRGILIO: Hey, hang on a second Steve.
MR. VIRGILIO: Kathryn, this is naval reactors at –
MS. BROCK: Oh, we were just trying to call them.
MR. VIRGILIO: Okay, we have got three data — four data points now –
MS. BROCK: Okay.
MR. VIRGILIO: Do you want to come up to the table? I’m sorry Steve. Could you go ahead and start again. At 100 nautical miles –
MR. TRAUTMAN: Hundred nautical miles with a portable air sample beta gamma, we were reading 7.5 times 10 to the minus 9 th microcuries per milliliter.
MR. VIRGILIO: Say the number again.
MR. TRAUTMAN: 7.5 times 10 to the minus 9 th microcuries per milliliter, air sample.
MALE PARTICIPANT: Do you have a time on that?
MR. TRAUTMAN: Oh — yes, I have got to go determine — I have a 1300 but that must be local time. Do you remember — when you passed those were those local time sir? You didn’t pass that. Okay.
Then at 1430, essentially the same distance, we had three times to the minus nine microcuries per milliliter and then again at 1700 it was back up to 7.5.
MR. VIRGILIO: And what was the third time, 1700?
MR. VIRGILIO: All at 100 nautical miles?
MR. TRAUTMAN: Yes. And what we were getting is our APDs (phonetic) are going and then we did portable air samples as part of that process.
MR. VIRGILIO: Okay, so now the additional data point that we have –
MR. TRAUTMAN: Was at 130 nautical miles.
MR. VIRGILIO: And the time?
MR. TRAUTMAN: I don’t have that. I’ll have to get you the time and I’m also I have got another data point as well.
MR. VIRGILIO: Okay, and that was 0.6 millirem per hour?
MR. TRAUTMAN: Correct, from beta gamma shine that was actually pointing at the sky.
MS. BROCK: Wait, that was the one that was at 130 miles?
MS. BROCK: Okay. Do you have a germanium counter so that you can put the air sample on that?
MRz TRAUTMAN: Not on board ship. We have airlifted them to Atsugi and we are sending it down to our facility in Yokosuka where there is a germanium detector but I don’t have it at the moment.
MS. BROCK: Okay. What do you think the time frame is?
MR. TRAUTMAN: On getting that data?
MR. TRAUTMAN: I suspect we are at least six hours away from that, at least.
MS. BROCK: Okay, thank you.
MR. TRAUTMAN: Once we get it, we will certainly pass it.
MS. BROCK: (Inaudible) in case you have any questions that you need to see a model (phonetic, inaudible)
MR. TRAUTMAN: We are all dumping — all of this data is being passed to the DOE NARAC site, and so with everything, they should be able to start hopefully generating some more refined plume plots for us.
MS. BROCK: Okay. But we have been (inaudible) with them too, so we are working hand in hand as far as (inaudible) models and sources terms and different things.
MR. TRAUTMAN: Okay good.
MALE PARTICIPANT: This sample is taken from an airborne aircraft?
MR. TRAUTMAN: No, it was taken on the deck of the Ronald Reagan, U.S. Navy aircraft carrier.
MALE PARTICIPANT: Okay. Is it clearly above the deck?
MR. TRAUTMAN: Yes, this from the ship.
MALE PARTICIPANT: Okay, is not coming I mean, if — it’s definitely not in the cloud.
MR. TRAUTMAN: The answer is it — well, I don’t know, I’m not sure what you are asking me. This is not a — we do not have deposition on the ship. This is coming from a cloud.
MR. TRAUTMAN: We have nothing measurable on the deck.
MS. BROCK: Nobody has been contaminated.
MR. TRAUTMAN: Well, that’s not true. We had a –
MS. BROCK: Oh, there’s been contamination?
MR. TRAUTMAN: We had an individual who was on a Japanese ship that was more directly in the plume have some contamination on their feet, which we did detect as part of the process. But it was not from the deck on the aircraft carriers.
MS. BROCK: Okay, I didn’t realize that. Okay.