All posts tagged Kumamon

  • Dec 26, 2012
    1:31 PM

    The Life and Times of Japan’s Mascots

    Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

    Kumamon, the mischievous black bear mascot, is not only the face of Japan’s Kumamoto prefecture; he’s also the face of a movement. No other “creature” captures the craze surrounding Japan’s mascot boom as the rosy-cheeked bear.

    His name is a combination of two words: “Kuma” is short for Kumamoto and “Mon” represents the local dialect that uses that word for the standard Japanese word for “things,” or “mono.” The bear was created in March 2010 to draw in tourists ahead of the 2011 opening of a new bullet train stop in the capital city of the southern Japanese prefecture. His popularity surged after he won the title of Japan’s most popular mascot in an online poll last year. He didn’t partake in this year’s poll.

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