Web hosting companies provide web space for its customers to upload their web pages. The web space is located on servers and clients are allocated a certain amount of space, depending on the hosting package purchased.

Hosting companies offer dedicated servers to clients who want their own server without sharing space with others. The typical hosting plan sells space for web pages and all customers share the same resources. If a larger web page uses up a lot of the RAM the other web pages may work slower than usual.

A dedicated server supports only one web page and the resources are dedicated to that one web page. There is no compromising function and performances, allowing the web page to operate without fail 99.99% of the time.

Dedicated server hosting offers a variety of hosting plans and packages that will fit just about any need and budget. Some hosting companies will build and configure a server to the client’s specifications for optimum versatility. A dedicated server is ideal for the websites that utilizes demanding applications and massive graphics.

 Dedicated hosting servers utilize a variety of operating systems and will work with each client to put the right OS in place. Servers will be hosted in the hosting company’s datacenter and often include battery backups, grid feeds, built in redundant power, around the clock maintenance and immediate trouble shooting. The customer will have the option to configure the server themselves or have it configured as part of the service.

Dedicated hosting servers offer far more flexibility than a standard or virtual server. The servers are typically owned by the hosting service and are often add-on services. A dedicated server leased from a hosting company is often more cost effective than purchasing a server. Along with owning the server there will be the question of set up and maintenance and unless there is one on staff, it will require hiring the necessary personnel either in house or a sub contractor.

Hosting companies that odder dedicated server hosting will provide the set up and maintenance, relieving you of that task and allowing you to take care of your business. Dedicated servers come with better connectivity and bandwidth than a standard hosting package. Dedicated servers are ideal for web pages that attract a high volume of traffic.

Dedicated servers are typically a little more costly than other types of servers, but also come with more support and other services including maintenance and daily or weekly back up.