ALl right – here’s my Thursday schedule (mostly for myself so I can keep track of it on my phone). I think in the morning, I just might park myself in the session on climate change & communities as one of my main interests for this meeting is…climate change and communities. Also, I’m guessing I’ll fill in the lower right hand side of my bingo card (although I already got Bingo today on the lower line…)
COS 127 – Climate Change: Communities II
F151, Oregon Convention Center
8am 123 COS 127-1 Sorte, CJB , D Blumenthal , I Ibanez ,
C D’Antonio4, JM Diez3, JS Dukes5, ED Grosholz6, SJ Jones7, LP Miller8, N Molinari4 and J Olden9, (1) University of Massachusetts – Boston, (2)USDA-ARS, (3) University of Michigan, (4)University of California Santa Barbara, (5)Purdue University, (6)University of California, (7)University of South Carolina, (8)Stanford University, (9)University of Washington. Poised to prosper: Do demographic outcomes favor non-native species in a changing climate?. F151
8:20 COS 127-2 Stuble, KL1, C Patterson1, SL Pelini2, MA Rodriguez-Cabal1, R Dunn3 and NJ Sanders1, (1) University of Tennessee, (2)Harvard University, (3)NCSU. Foraging behavior and seed dispersal mutualisms in a warmed world: The effects of experimental warming on ant assemblages and the processes they mediate.
8:40 COS 127-3 Andrew, CJ1 and EA Lilleskov2, (1) Northeastern Illinois University, (2)US Forest Service, Northern Research Station. Soil nutrient legacies surpass the effects of CO2 and O3 concentration on mycorrhizal fungal communities.
9:00 COS 127-4 Tomaszewski, T, BR Johnson, L Pfeifer- Meister, ME Goklany, LL Reynolds, HE Wilson and SD Bridgham, University of Oregon. Site-dependent versus regionally consistent effects of increased temperature and precipitation on plant community composition, productivity, and soil nutrient availability in restored Pacific Northwest prairies.
9:20 COS 127-5 Kandur, AS, University of Chicago. Climate change, sea level rise, and potential impacts on rocky intertidal populations.
9:50 COS 127-6 Barton, BT1 and AR Ives2, (1)University of Wisconsin-Madison, (2)University of Wisconsin. Experimental warming disrupts an ant-aphid mutualism.
10:10 COS 127-7 O’Connor, MI1 and JC Stegen2, (1)University of British Columbia, (2)Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Testing the temperature dependence of stocks and fluxes in an aquatic food web.
10:30 COS 127-8 Sylvain, ZA1, DH Wall1, KL Cherwin1, DPC Peters2, OE Sala3 and LG Reichmann3, (1)Colorado State University, (2)USDA Agricultural Research Service, (3)Arizona State University. Patterns of soil community structure differ by scale and ecosystem type along a large-scale precipitation gradient.
10:50 COS 127-9 Kelly,R1, M Chipman1, PE Higuera2, LB Brubaker3 and FS Hu1, (1)University of Illinois, (2) University of Idaho, (3)University of Washington. Pushing the limits of the boreal-forest fire regime: Recent changes in a 10,000 year context.
11:10 COS 127-10 Avery, L1, AC McCall1, M Forister2 and A Shapiro3, (1)Denison University, (2)University of Nevada, Reno, (3)University of California, Davis. Butterfly community dynamics in California over 30 years.
Other talks I may skip out from the session for…
9am COS 125-4 Lefcheck, J, A Bucheister, S Chak, T Clardy, KM Laumann, PL Reynolds, K Sobocinski, M Stratton and JE Duffy, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, The College of William & Mary. Components of biodiversity in a Chesapeake Bay groundfish assemblage: A high- resolution analysis of patterns and drivers. B115
10:10 COS 139-7 Poore, AGB1, AH Campbell1, RA Coleman2, G Edgar3, V Jormalainen4, PL Reynolds5, EE Sotka6, JJ Stachowicz7, RB Taylor8, MA Vanderklift9 and JE Duffy10, (1)University of New South Wales, (2)The University of Sydney, (3)University of Tasmania, (4)University of Turku, (5)Virginia Institute of Marine Science, (6)College of Charleston, (7)University of California, Davis, (8) University of Auckland, (9)CSIRO Wealth from Oceans Flagship, (10)The College of William and Mary. Global patterns in herbivore impact on marine benthic primary producers: A comprehensive meta-analysis. Ballroom 254
10:30 OOS 41-8 Cardinale, BJ, PA Venail and A Narwani, University of Michigan. What is biodiversity’s role in providing ecosystem goods and services? A data synthesis. B116
If you can hang about for lunch, be sure to check out the following awesome workshop from 11:30-1:15
WK 47 – How to Access Ecological and Evolutionary Datasets in R
F150, Oregon Convention Center Organized by: K Ram, SA Chamberlain, C Boettiger
In the workshop we will showcase a live demonstration of several of our R packages and also lead a discussion on how you can develop similar tools for other data sources. We encourage you to bring a laptop so you can participate along (wifi permitting).
Speakers: C Boettiger, UC Davis SA Chamberlain, Rice University K Ram, University of California Berkeley
For the afternoon, there are a lot more that is great. Of course. One option might be to plant oneself at
SYMP 19 – The National Climate Assessment: Preliminary Findings, Building Assessment Capacity, and Implementing a Sustained Assessment Process
Portland Blrm 251, Oregon Convention Center Organized by: ET Cloyd (, N Grimm Endorsed by: Biogeosciences, Policy
Moderator: ET Cloyd
This session will present key findings from the draft 2013 National Climate Assessment report; discuss implementing a sustained assessment process, including developing indicators of climate change and impacts; and provide an opportunity to comment on the draft NCA report and ongoing assessment process.
But, individual talks might again be in my future. In particular, I want to check out
1:30 COS 163-1 Grosholz, ED1, DL Kimbro2 and BS Cheng3, (1)University of California, (2)Florida State University, (3)University of California, Davis. Evidence for biotic resistance and enemy release in coastal ecosystems. Portland Ballroom 254
1:50 COS153-2 Best, RJ, NC Caulk and JJ Stachowicz, University of California, Davis. Competitive outcomes and community composition in marine invertebrates are predicted by diversity in feeding traits and not by phylogenetic relatedness. D136
1:50 COS 148-2 Dee, L1, L Peavey1, S Miller1 and S Lester2, (1)University of California, Santa Barbara, (2)Sustainable Fisheries Group, University of Santa Barbara. Biodiversity is a poor predictor of fisheries production in large marine ecosystems. B112
3:20 COS 166-6 Edwards, KF1, E Litchman2 and C Klausmeier2, (1)W. K. Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University, (2)Michigan State University. Functional traits predict phytoplankton community structure and successional pattern in a marine ecosystem. Ballroom 258
4:00 COS 158-8 Kicklighter, CE, MK Hearl and HE Locke, Goucher College. The effects of nutrients and grazing on the estuarine marsh invader, Phragmites australis. E142