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2d 19h ago


Comments: 23
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Views: 853 (75 today)

Cleaning up my gallery from a bunch of stuff.

Journal Entry: Mon Dec 17, 2012, 12:26 PM
  • Mood: Artistic
  • Listening to: ELIS -UTAU Cover-
  • Reading: My inbox.
  • Watching: My Daft!FRUK models going crazy.
  • Playing: Unbugging Dreamtalia. Urgh
  • Eating: Nutella.
  • Drinking: In front of a computer? Are you fuckin kidding me?

563 dAs, man.

I'm playing by the rules now. Removing all MMD APH yaoi stuff there could have been and a bunch of others.
I wish DA had a "suppress all" button.

CSS by =MirageMasaki
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~JammyJamJam100 2 days ago  Student General Artist
I understand you're reason for not wanting to take them down. But you must understand the model creators positions, too. It's bad that they're talking smash about you, they shouldn't be doing that. :/ But... It's just like your rules for HetaOni. Some people don't understand why you don't want them taking screen shots of the MMD scenes and the yaoi rules are kinda the same for the MMD creators. They just don't want their models to be used in that way. :/ You wouldn't want people going against the rules of your work, would you? So I guess, if you want people to respect your rules than you must respect the rules of others. It's still sad that you need to take down all of your yaoi MMD pictures, though. You put a lot of work into them. :C But... rules are rules. And even though you think that the creators of the MMD models are narrow minded, you'd still want people to respect your rules, right? If it were you. So... It's a shame that your hard work has to be taken down but rules are rules. You'll still make beautiful art and pictures with MMD models non the less I'm sure. ^^ Good luck and I hope that the creators stop talking to you so horribly. :( That's very unprofessional of them. :(
=Pianodream 2 days ago  Hobbyist General Artist
I know, which is the precise reason of why I'm cleaning the gallery.
Luckily most of my works are still safe and fitting the rules.

If you find some you can link them here anyway.
~vspainter12 2 days ago  Hobbyist General Artist
Aw, it sad you have to do that. I think they're just being obnoxious with the yaoi. It's another expression if art, right? So it should be accepted, right? Idk much about about MMD yet, but still, that's just mean sounding. Just my POV.
~Nikki-Nac 2 days ago  Hobbyist General Artist
aww bye yaoi :( you shall be missed.
noooooo :saddummy:
=Pianodream 2 days ago  Hobbyist General Artist
It does. From now on there shall be FRUK... but not explicit. not even implicit actually you'll have to work your imagination XD
~Nikki-Nac 2 days ago  Hobbyist General Artist
aww >< that's so saaaaaaaaaad *cries in her chair* Those pics shall be greatly missed.
=Pianodream 2 days ago  Hobbyist General Artist
Well, better that than being shooed off by every modeler I get in touch with.
~Nikki-Nac 2 days ago  Hobbyist General Artist
yeah. why do they shoe you off damn it you're freaking epic!!
=Pianodream 2 days ago  Hobbyist General Artist
They don't approve of the way I use models. Can't blame them for that, they're the bosses and aI respect them.
*uprising-silvermoon 2 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
mais...mais... mais... :noes: pourquoi? :saddummy: t'aimes plus fruk? :O
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