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A great tool for a great sound

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Flower Audio is pleased to introduce to you, our mastering multiband dynamics processor: 4Dyne.

Perfect filters
It splits the audio using perfect reconstruction frequency splitters that can cut your sound into multiple bands in such a way that if you sum the frequencies back, you get the same sound you started with. This means that the sound is changed only as subtly or heavily as you apply effects to eacb of 4Dyne's 4 bands.

Designed for mastering needs, great for mixing, vocal treatment and sound design magic
You can compress, limit and gate each band at the same time to shape the sound and control dynamics. The organization of the dynamics processors, latency-compensated look-ahead functions across the bands, RMS/Peak level detection, small ratios for upward expansion and the dry-wet knobs give you many options to get the sound you desire.

Fully connected with the rest of the rack
Send-return loops at the back of the device for each band's compressed wet and uncompressed dry signals, separate band outputs, side-chain inputs, gain reduction CV outputs and band volume CV inputs make 4Dyne a true Reason device and allow you to take full advantage of Reason's free routing.

Credits and thanks

We would like to thank all our beta-testers; especially Tobias Schuh (Cold Blue), Timo Schönbeck (Shokstar), Brandon Peoples, Mike Gorman, Sebastian Wolff and Alan Strahsburg. We would also like to thank Shokstar and Brandon Peoples for contributing the Kick Awesomizer and De-esser patches respectively.