
The actuality on

Typebar arrangements on typebaskets at
  1. Sholes & Glidden Type Writer 1874-
  2. Remington Type-Writer No.2 1878-
  3. Remington Standard Type-Writer No.2 1882-

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Ask ASerty to the alternative

14:07 | はてなブックマーク - Ask ASerty to the alternative - The actuality on


Group to discuss Alternative Keyboards for computers. Looking outside the box that contains QWERTY keyboards.

altkeyboards : Alternative Keyboards
トラックバック - http://qwerty-history.g.hatena.ne.jp/raycy/20120622


How do you think about the relation between the Gilbreths and the simplified keyboard of Dvorak? Any information?

| 10:01 | はてなブックマーク - How do you think about the relation between the Gilbreths and the simplified keyboard of Dvorak? Any information? - The actuality on

Psychology’s first forays into film
Kicking, Crying, Sleeping: More Adventures in the CHP Film Collection «

The Gilbreths seems to start investigation to typing at 1911*1 or leter or so.

Some source says the very start of the Dvorak-Dealey keyboard development is at 1914, when they Dvorak and Dealey watched the movie of typing motion study made by the Gilbreths.*2

At 1916, Dealey with a fellow co-operated with the Gilbreth finished a document "Micromotion applied to education."*3

The Gilbreths succeeded to produce a Gold medal typist by their couching method at 1916.*4

Some source says Dvorak and Dealey kept connection to and met several with Mrs. Lillian, and Lillian supported Dvorak's simplified.*5

On a book of Dvorak et.al. "Typewriting Behavior(1936)"*6 , I hear there writes dedication to Lillian or so.*7

The Gilbreth film Part2 of time 8:30? , the explanation sentesces on the screen says the Gilbreths' study lead to the simplified keyboard.

Is this right? And is here any evidence?









Comparing Dieerent Keyboard Layouts: Aspects of QWERTY,DVORAK and alphabetical keyboards

12:08 | はてなブックマーク - Comparing Dieerent Keyboard Layouts: Aspects of QWERTY,DVORAK and alphabetical keyboards - The actuality on


Comparing Dieerent Keyboard Layouts: Aspects of QWERTY,DVORAK and alphabetical keyboards

Pieter Buzing

AI 97

student nr:1042645



In the 1920s it was the industrial engineer Frank Gilbrethwhoperformed time-and

studies on many worker activities. His research on typing showed that the Sholes design

in more fatigue and errorsthanalternativekeylayouts.Healsoclaimedthatthetypingspee

beincreased withadieerentlayout.Gilbrethaddressedthemajor designobstacles,likeall

letters amongkeyboardrows,amongngers,andbetweenthe left andright hands[10].

[10] Jared Diamond. The curse of qwerty. Discover

トラックバック - http://qwerty-history.g.hatena.ne.jp/raycy/20120610