IEEE mailing list
Welcome to UBC IEEE Student Branch
We are a University of British Columbia (UBC) based student branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the world’s largest technical professional society. The IEEE student branch at UBC is dedicated to the development of professional skills of electrical and computer engineering students. With over 250 members, UBC IEEE SB is one of the largest IEEE student branches in Western Canada.
Our goal is to disseminate the knowledge of the theory and practice of all aspects of electrical engineering, computers, electronics, radio, allied branches of engineering or the related arts and sciences, as well as to further the professional development of members. For more information on how to apply for a membership, talk to any one of our branch’s officers, or join online.
Fuzzy Logic
McKesson Lab Tour
Tips on Effective Presentation Design and Delivery
Comp-sci career fair, helping with logistics and volunteers