Portland Locksmith
The art of locksmithing

There are people that claim that a locksmith’s job is an easy task, especially weekend DIY maniacs. That is a common misconception, as the art of locksmithing is far from being an easy one. It takes years of study and practice, as well lots of research to keep yourself up to date. Read more...


Locksmiths: helping keep your home and office safe

A locksmith isn’t just the guy you call when you get locked outside your house. They are experts at doing that too, doing so without causing further damage to your property. Burt there is much more that a good, professional locksmith can do for you. They are security experts that can help you keep unwanted people out of your property, instead of just getting you in when you need it. Read more...


Locksmiths and landlords: a healthy relationship

In these hard economic times, everyone’s gut reaction is to cut off any costs they can. But for landlords, seeking a good relationship with a local locksmith may be way much more beneficial in the long run. There are a vast number of reasons why a landlord should have a locksmith or company they can trust, as the tenants themselves aren’t always as trustworthy as they seem. And besides that, accidents happen and it’s better to be safe than sorry. Read more...