ICECS 2008

The 15th IEEE International Conference on
Electronics, Circuits and Systems

August 31st - September 3rd 2008 



University of

General Chair: 
     Prof. Joseph Micallef 
     University of Malta

The 15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, ICECS 2008, will be held in Malta on the 31st August - 3rd September 2008.

ICECS is a major international forum presenting design methodologies, techniques and experimental results in emerging electronics, circuits and smart systems topics. ICECS has developed into the flagship conference of the IEEE CAS Society in Region 8, with participants from all over the world. 

The conference will include regular, special and poster sessions. Prospective authors are invited to submit their manuscripts reporting original work, as well as proposals for special sessions and tutorials. The conference program will also include three keynote lectures and student paper contest.

The conference will be held in Malta, right at the center of the Mediterranean. Malta is well known for its hospitality to visitors. The blue sea, warm sunshine, and rich archaeological and cultural heritage dating back over seven millennia provide an interesting backdrop to the conference.


Topics include, but are not limited to:

Technical Program Chair
     Prof. Franco Maloberti
     University of Pavia
     Pavia, Italy

Special Session Chair
     Dr. Ivan Grech
     University of Malta

Local Arrangements Chair
     Dr. Edward Gatt
     University of Malta

Analog Circuits and Signal Processing  
Sensing and Sensor Networks
Digital Circuits and Signal Processing
Telecommunications and Multimedia
RF and Wireless Circuits & Systems  
Photonic and Optoelectronic Circuits
Assembly and Packaging
Test and Reliability

Biomedical Circuits & Systems
System Architectures and Applications
Neural Network Circuits & Systems
Design Automation of Electronics & Systems
Advanced Technologies (HV, Nano, MEMS, BAW)
Computer-Aided Network Design
Nonlinear Circuits and Systems
Power Systems and Power Electronic Circuits



Proposals for special sessions, plenary sessions, tutorials

    March 7, 2008

Extended Deadline for submission of draft papers

    March 7, 2008

Notification of acceptance

     May 15, 2008

Deadline for submission of camera-ready paper

     June 15, 2008

Conference  website: