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elephantjournaldotcom is your guide to what we like to call ‘the mindful life’: yoga, organics, sustainability, genuine spirituality, conscious consumerism, fair fashion, the contemplative arts…anything that helps us to live a good life that also happens to be good for others, and our planet.

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ele: mission

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ele:legalese >> The contents of this web site are copyright 2008 Waylon H. Lewis Enterprises, LLC. Yoga asanas & bodywork described herein can be dangerous, particularly if practiced without supervision, or with self-improvement in mind. Views expressed are those of our contributors, not elephantjournal.com, we don’t even know them.

les elephants

Waylon Lewis: Founder, Editor-in-Chief, Ads Sales, Errand Boy.

Samara Stein: Accountant, Reason We’re Still in Business.

Lindsey Block: Director of Operations

Colin Wiseman: Webby Extraordinaire

 Brianna Bemel: Editor
 Kate Bartolotta: Managing Editor

 Lynn Hasselberger: Editor

 Bryonie Wise: Editor

elephant’s Apprentices:

Interested in learning more about our Editorial + New Media Ethics + Social Media Apprenticeship Program? Read on here.


April Ricchuito, D.D., MSW was once the type of girl whose idea of “soul searching” was shoe shopping. Today, she is a writer and integrative practitioner who brings a unique voice to the field of health and wellness by combining traditional evidence-based techniques with ancient practices such as yoga and newer findings in contemplative sciences. She has been recognized as a part of “Generation Inspiration” and is also named as one of 20 Young Champions for Women by the White Ribbon Alliance and WIE Symposium, presented by Donna Karan and Arianna Huffington. You can follow April on Facebook or Twitter. Visit www.beingandwellness.com to learn about services she offers, including Reiki & coaching, or Verbal Vandalism to check out her latest written works.


Thad Haas lives in Charlottesville, VA where he maintains an active Ashtanga practice, in addition to a bodywork practice rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Yoga forms the cornerstone of his life in all aspects. It’s how he eats, how he drinks, how he sleeps and how he chose all my choices. In addition to his Ashtanga practice, he is devoted to following the principles and precepts of bhakti-yoga as delivered through the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition. Here at elephant, he writse and edits in addition to serving as the ele-ambassador for both theAshtanga and Bhakti communities.

Alexandra Grace is figuring it out. By day, she is an employment lawyer; by night, she is a yoga teacher trainee. And all the time, she brings a child-like curiosity (but an adult-like commentary) to everything she encounters. Having fallen in love with yoga over the past three years, Alex hopes that her sense of humor, honesty, and open-heart will encourage new students to find the joy she has found in yoga.

Lara Chassin is a lawyer and apprentice editor for elephant journal. When she is not lawyering or editing, she enjoys practicing yoga, bike riding, skiing, running, traveling and feeding her loved ones through cooking, baking or over-ordering at restaurants. Rest assured that her tendency to overindulge is a big reason for her enjoyment of athletic pursuits. She lives in the city but frequently escapes to the mountains or the beach.

Elysha Anderson is a little bit slower than a speeding bullet, almost as powerful as a locomotive, can jump tall buildings in her dreams and is well on her way to becoming Superwoman. She loves laughing, listening, being outside and having fun with her friends. She is also an intern at elephant journal, and couldn’t be happier to part of this wonderful community. Stay tuned for more of her work to come!


 ShaMecha Simms wants you to know that no Critters were harmed in the writing of this piece. She can’t, however, guarantee his safety during standoffs in the grocery store’s cookie aisle. You can reach ShaMecha at sl.simms@yahoo.com.




Anne Clendening was born and raised in L.A., where she came of age lying on the beach, listening to  Pink Floyd and reading F Scott Fitzgerald. A yoga teacher and kind of a dark little hippie, Annie is especially inspired by horror flix and anything chocolate. She writes about her life at www.mysweetyoga.com. If you’re not easily offended, her darker thoughts can be read at www.dirtyblondeink.com. And she endlessly adores her hot Aussie boyfriend.


Carolyn Gilligan is a daughter, sister, best friend, listener, lover, ice cream eater, sometimes writer, easily excitable, embarrassingly gullible yoga teacher in training who drinks too much coffee, makes a lot of mistakes and has too much fun for her own good.




An aspiring journalist, fashion enthusiast and lover of all things yoga, dance and green, Jamie Morgan packed up her life and made the big move to Madrid, Spain from little old Ohio. Spending her days as an English teacher and soul-searcher, she is completely fascinated by international languages and cultures and won’t be satisfied until she’s seen it all. And so it begins.


Upon realizing that there was never going to be a career in psychology, Seychelles Pitton decided to quit her job. While backpacking through southeast Asia where she saw ancient and natural remedies practiced by people in their own homes, she was inspired to train in bodywork and energy work, completed Reiki level 1 and pursues to lead a holistically balanced life. Today she counts swimming with the honu (Hawaiian green sea turtle) as one of her favorite pastimes.


With thanks to ex-elephants of yore:

Bob Weisenberg: Associate Publisher and Yoga Editor

Merete Mueller: Managing Editor, e-columnist
 Ty Hammes: web designer

Timmy D’Antonio: Photo

Rusty Ralston: Photo

Todd Mayville: events, blogger

Alex King: elephelini

Pam Uhlenkamp: designer of elephant journal back when it was paper!

Evan Finn: video, bike cap & fixie specialist.

Caroline Treadway (at left): photo, e-columnist, resident climbing star & Redford’s aunt

Abbey Smith (photo courtesy Jonny Copp): ad manager, ecofashion, e-columnist; resident climbing superstar, Mrs. elephant & prolific writer.

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