The newest versions of Adobe Flash Player on Windows platforms can regularly check for updates and install them for you. Make sure that you always install the latest version of Adobe Flash Player to protect against security issues.
You can change the way Flash Player is updated by right-clicking on any rich media content in your browser. Select Global Settings, select the Advanced tab, and select an option under Updates.
You can also change the setting in the Control Panel. Double-click Flash Player, click the Advanced tab, and select an option under Updates.
Select this option to download and install updates automatically. This option provides the best protection for your system.
Urgent security updates install automatically without notification.
For scheduled updates, Adobe attempts to notify you before automatically installing them. Scheduled updates can contain enhancements and nonurgent security updates. You have the option to immediately download scheduled updates from and install them yourself without waiting for automatic installation.
Adobe Flash Player regularly checks for updates and notifies you when an update is available. Updates are installed only when you choose to install them.
This option is not recommended. Adobe Flash Player never checks for updates, so your system is vulnerable to security issues. It's necessary to manually check the Adobe website to find the latest version of Flash Player.
To learn about the latest security fixes for Flash Player, click here