Android VPN





IP Locations



#1 HideMyAss $4.99 PPTP, L2TP/IPSec and/or OPENVPN 49 countries 13%-24% Visit HideMyAss
#2 VyprVPN $14.99 PPTP 6 countries 7 Day Money Back Visit VyprVPN
#3 StrongVPN $7 PPTP, L2TP/IPSec and/or OPENVPN 16 countries Free trial (7 Days) Visit StrongVPN
#4 OverPlay $4.95 PPTP, L2TP/IPSec and/or OPENVPN 62 countries - Visit OverPlay
#5 SwitchVPN $5.95 PPTP / L2TP 5 countries 25% Visit SwitchVPN
#6 ibVPN $4.95 PPTP, L2TP/IPSec and/or OPENVPN 12 countries Free trial (10 Days) Visit ibVPN
#7 HideIpVPN $5.99 PPTP, OpenVPN,L2TP / IPsec and Proxy 4 countries Free trial (3 Hours) Visit HideIPVPN

Android devices can be made more secure with a virtual private network (VPN).  Android is the operating system behind a great many mobile devices and those devices have connectivity to the Internet and are subject to the same online threats as those devices that connect through Wi-Fi hotspots as well as cellular and private networks.

Hackers and botnets scan the Internet for unprotected devices and skim information such as identification, emails, credit card information as well as other sensitive information. An Android VPN will provide the necessary protection for any and all mobile devices, keeping data safe and confidential information confidential.

Android VPN’s offer the same protection for mobile devices as VPN’s offer laptop and desk top computers. The VPN’s for mobile devices experience unrestricted speed while encrypting Internet traffic, unblocking web sites and providing a unique level of protection and security. The VPN provides a dynamic and unique IP address each time the device is logged onto the Internet and expires when that connection is closed.

Android VPN’s works with Wi-Fi hot spots, 3gNetworks and Edge. The Android phones and tablets must run Android software version 2.1 or newer. Setting up the Android VPN is not difficult and only takes a few minutes. Help is usually available from the software developer in the event of problems or questions via customer support or video based instructions.

Android VPN servers are located worldwide allowing users to connect to a VPN no matter where in the world they are. Customers have the option to log into a server closets to their location or the connection at random. The Android VPN’s also allows customers to log into the Internet in places where web connection may be restricted due to government sanctions or the Internet isn’t as wide spread as it is in other parts of the world.