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November 16


Comments: 114
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Views: 372 (5 today)
  • Mood: Adoration
  • Listening to: That's What You Get
  • Reading: Cell
Okay. So as all of you know there is an oncoming rebellion of the HMMDC against the modelers because clearly they are being mean blahblahblah ermahgerd.

And me, being Rose, cannot let this pass without adding her worthless two cents.

So warning: non-angry rant head.


- Model rules are stupid right now.
- Everyone freaks out over rule breaking too much.
- Everyone needs to stfu about the EITC.


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAND THE HETALIA MMDC IS IN RUINS AGAIN~! Geez guys are we the most angry fandom out there xD Take that aggressive Homestucks ;w;

Okay. So everyone's saying blah blah blahhhh the modelers are being rudeass bitches and guuuurl that is NOT OKAY.
though I get the idea that they meant the EITC when they called us foolish but I tend to be an idiot so whatever

I mean first off guys we really need to y'know stop defining two separate MMD communities... I mean, if the Modelers don't think of the people who AREN'T in the EITC and the people who ARE as two SEPARATE communities... why should WE think of a Japanese & English Community?

The Rules

I mean; let's face it. The model rules are ridiculous. The modelers can act ridiculous. The community is ridiculous. I mean both sides... I mean seriously, no love?! Jesus, guys, are you forgetting the fact a modeler took down their model because someone made a picture of it HUGGING another one?! Let's see... today I have hugged a total of 6 people. Does that mean I secretly want to bang all of them? NO.

Well that's that. What else...

Oh yeah, editing.


This is bad on BOTH sides. Personally, I think models should be allowed to be edited and stuff, but that's just me. Now I just think the reactions are what's annoying...

Modelers literally flip their shit when their model is edited. And the MMD-Police does, too. This is basically an accurate interpretation on a reaction:

Modelers: I am offended. You're all so dumb. I'm taking down the model. Why did you edit it. I am so hurt.
MMD-Police: You need to go die. You are a worthless human being. You're screwing us all over. We hate you.

Seriously, the MMDC is a scary fucking place and if you're planning on waltzing over here betch you better get out your motherfucking handy dandy notebook because we gon' school you on our rules.

No seriously, there's like unspoken rules.
Such as:

- No recolours. We hate you and your stupid recolours.
- Animasa models are for noobs. Unless you're famous, then you get to make pictures on how underused they are as we bask in your glory.
- No breaking rules. (Unless you're famous).
- You better fucking worship the modelers.
- If you break a rule bitch we will cut you.
- We do not want your shitty pictures and you better submit to the right fucking folder, fuckass, or we will maim you.

Okay lemme be honest with you I make bloody "illegal" model edits all the fucking time, seriously guys I don't give a fuck I'll just grab a model get a part and use it I don't care.

Like I put America's jacket on Rock, because I thought he'd look like a boss. (I was right, but that's beside the point).

But seriously I don't get any hate because I don't submit those pictures to dA, and if I do, they don't go into any groups. The point is, let's analyze Windows 100% models.

If someone edits that who freaks out? Not MamamaP or Saboten or anyone. Nope nope nope. The MMD Police. But not in the Hetalia MMDC. In the HMMDC it's the police AND the modelers.

Okay onwards~


I think the only modeler in the HMMDC who has done something smart to control this is FamibunP, who allowed private distribution to a couple friends. I mean seriously it's perfect. Has there even been any drama about her models? Not any that I've heard of.

I'll be honest again; I GIVE MY MODEL EDITS OUT ALLLLLLLL THE TIME. Like seriously you might as well grab a fucking sharpie and write 'Rose's Free Model Shop' because if you are a bro you are basically open to my model edits.

And it's like this with EVERYBODY who edits models. Okay? Ok.


Honestly you all need to stfu about these guys. OKAY OKAY THEY GIVE OUT MODELS PISS OFF MODELERS ETC. I personally don't give a flying fuck if they're giving out models. Why? They're on free distribution anyways, they're just getting past the passwords. Is that really such a crime? Please. How many of you have given out passwords to your friends via note? All of you.

The only thing that pisses me off about these guys, is that they've kinda been complete and utter douchebags to some of my friends, and give out model edits that don't belong to them. Oh, and copy other people's model edits.... but hey that can happen anywhere, so I can't really say it bothers me.

But seriously if they weren't douchebags and didn't give out others model edits I wouldn't care about them.
But seriously guys unless they are targeting you then shut the hell up we all know the stories, we all stalk them in our free time, etc. Yes we know *insert one of their names here* is a complete lunatic okay. We don't need Captain Obvious to save the day.


If you go around kissing up to the modelers you better shut the fuck up okay. You are making them get ruder to us. I'm sure they'll disagree, BUT GIVING US DIFFERENT RULES SIMPLY BECAUSE WE CANNOT READ JAPANESE?

Jesus fucking christ, this is like being a weeaboo or a wapanese while you're actually Japanese! What, are you trying to convince us you're superior?

Well I'm motherfucking Chilean, do I get a fucking throne too?

I mean fine, okay, you're giving us your MQO work okay thanks for the god damn model, we don't owe you our life we owe you a fucking credit, and not even that much, just acknowledging that we didn't make the model.



Okay, giving us different sets of rules "Unless you are Japanese/understand it" is fucking ridiculous. OKAY NEW RULE GAIZ U R NOT ALLOWED 2 LEWK @ ROSE'S DEVIANTART UNLESS YOU ARE CHILEAN OKAY PEASANTS?! (that's sarcasm, btw.)

What, is it because anime comes from Japan? Fine. Then YOURE NOT ALLOWED TO BE ON DEVIANTART BECAUSE IT'S BASED IN THE U.S.A. OKAY SHOO-SHOO.

(calm down rose.)

And I bet a couple of Japanese MMD users DID redistribute. It's not a nationality thing--which is totally wrong, btw, just because you speak English doesn't change your fucking desires--it's a HUMAN thing.

End of rant.
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~averiejo123 Nov 18, 2012  Hobbyist Digital Artist
LAWL ROFL LMFAO LMAO ALL MIXED TAGETHA!!~ :dummy::la: This made me laugh like shit, especially the "What, is it because anime comes from Japan? Fine. Then YOURE NOT ALLOWED TO BE ON DEVIANTART BECAUSE IT'S BASED IN THE U.S.A. OKAY SHOO-SHOO.

(calm down rose.)" part and "Okay, giving us different sets of rules "Unless you are Japanese/understand it" is fucking ridiculous. OKAY NEW RULE GAIZ U R NOT ALLOWED 2 LEWK @ ROSE'S DEVIANTART UNLESS YOU ARE CHILEAN OKAY PEASANTS?! (that's sarcasm, btw.)" and "Jesus fucking christ, this is like being a weeaboo or a wapanese while you're actually Japanese!" and "But seriously guys unless they are targeting you then shut the hell up we all know the stories, we all stalk them in our free time, etc. Yes we know *insert one of their names here* is a complete lunatic okay. We don't need Captain Obvious to save the day." and "I personally don't give a flying fuck if they're giving out models." and "Like seriously you might as well grab a fucking sharpie and write 'Rose's Free Model Shop' because if you are a bro you are basically open to my model edits." and "though I get the idea that they meant the EITC when they called us foolish but I tend to be an idiot so whatever" and "Okay. So as all of you know there is an oncoming rebellion of the HMMDC against the modelers because clearly they are being mean blahblahblah ermahgerd.

And me, being Rose, cannot let this pass without adding her worthless two cents.

So warning: non-angry rant head." THEY WERE ALL FUCKING LAWL!!! :la:
~SodaCat17 5 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
xDD I'm glad you found them funny >u<
~averiejo123 5 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Yes! Finally! Someone says this! I am so glad I could Physically HUG. YOU.!!!
~SodaCat17 5 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
xD I'm glad you're glad~! 8D
~sakuraxangel31 Nov 17, 2012  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Waw you jut made my morning lol xD,btw my name is Rose to :D
~SodaCat17 5 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
xD I'm glad I did :3
ahh that is so cool xDD
~Yagakoro Nov 17, 2012  Hobbyist Digital Artist
( ' w ' ) there are some pictures which express distaste of artistic the form of the cookie-cutter memes...

I'll let the irony sink in.
~SodaCat17 5 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
okay :3
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