Join us for our Central Park (North) Master Plan Meeting
Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation is unveiling the preliminary Central Park North Campus Master Plan on Tuesday, November 27 at 7 pm. Please join us at the Monon Community Center, Banquet Room B to see and provide feedback on the proposed plan. Public input received during the meeting will be considered to develop the final master plan to be presented to the Park Board in December or January.
The northern section of Central Park encompasses approximately 25 acres and is bordered by 116th Street to the north, the new Interurban Trail to the east, Carmel Creek to the south, and the Donnybrook subdivision to the west. This area currently includes three former residences currently used as meeting space and park offices. Over the past four months, a variety of focus group and public meetings have been held to gather ideas and suggestions from park users and other citizens to help guide the future development this portion of Central Park.
For past presentations and videos, please click here (under Master Plan heading).