AMD Athlon II X4 605e - AD605EHDK42GI / AD605EHDGIBOXSpecifications
CPUs, related to AMD Athlon II X4 605e (rev. C2)
• Highlighted numbers and features indicate whether specific processor performs better or worse than Athlon II X4 605e (rev. C2) • Within each category, the CPUs are sorted from slower (at the top) to faster (at the bottom) • List of related CPUs is not complete. • Features abbreviations:
Unlock - Unlocked multiplier
Pictures (1)
NewsDec 07, 2010: With the launch of three new desktop processors today, AMD
also dropped prices on many older models. Majority of price cuts were
insignificant, typically in the range from 3% to 10%. The price of one
microprocessor, Phenom II X4 970, was increased by $5, or by about 3%.
Sep 27, 2010: Earlier this week, on September 21, AMD unveiled 10 new desktop
microprocessors. New models included 6 standard-power CPUs, one
ultra-low voltage processor, and three energy-efficient "e" models. We
just found out that, on top of adding new microprocessors to Athlon II
and Phenom II families, AMD also cut prices on energy efficient parts.
We also learned prices of recently introduced "e" models.
CPU IDCPU ID information is not submitted yet. If you have this microprocessor you can use our CPUID tool to submit CPU ID information for the CPU. When you submit the data please make sure that you specify family name and exact part number of the CPU, and also make the CPU ID record public. Comments (1)cpuinfo2012-07-04 06:52:29 Posted by: dolohow processor : 0
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